


.^.MahaBharatam-Bhagavad Gita.^.


A Brief View
Rama's Early Years
Rama Meets Thataka
Vishvamitra's Yaga
Ahalya's Free From Curse
Rama Weds Seetha
Kaikeyi's Two Boons
Rama Exiled
Bharata Meets Rama
Surpanakha Meets Rama
Ravana Abducts Seetha
The Great War
Period After Coronation
The Birth Of Pandavas
The Birth Of Kauravas
The Growing Rivalry
Arjuna Outshines Others
Karna's Birth And Greatness
The Dice Game
The Thirteenth Year
The Great War
The Aftermath
Bhagavad Gita
Writing The MahaBharatam
The Anchestors
The Revenge Of The Naga
The Sanjivini
Yayati & Devayani
The Kings Brother In Law
The Vedas



As you might be aware The Bhagavad Gita ('The Gita' for short) is the essence of Upanishadic Teachings told for the welfare of humanity by Sri Krishna. Arjuna acted as the medium through which the Lord made available these pearls of wisdom to the whole world generation after generation.

Just as the battle is about to start, Arjuna falters at the sight of his relatives and teachers, now his sworn enemies. He breaks down and refuses to fight. How can any good come from killing ones own relatives? What value is victory if all our friends and loved ones are killed? We will be overcome by sin if we slay such aggressors. Our proper duty is surely to forgive them. Even if they have lost sight of dharma due to greed, we ourselves should not forget dharma in the same way. His charioteer Krishna addresses him as they pause in the no-man's land between the two armies. And thus Bhagavad Gita, the guide to firm and resolute action was introduced to the world. (Refer to Picture Gallery section to get some of the verses)

Bhagavad Gita or the song of the Divine One is a celebrated episod in the epic Mahabharata.It is in a form of a dialogue between Dhritarashtra,the blind king of Hastinapura and Sanjaya who describes the happenings on the battlefield to the king.

It is such a dramatic setting that we get as a start to The Gita. The brave warrior Arjuna with Lord Krishna as his charioteer are standing between the two arrayed armies ready to start the battle. Duryodhana on one side and Krishna-Arjuna on the other! However, King Dhritarashtra, father of Kauravas, was blind and hence unable to witness the actual war. Therefore, by the grace of the Lord, special power to visualize the warfront was conferred on his minister Sanjaya.

The Gita opens with the first verse when King Dhritarashtra inquires of Sanjaya: "O Sanjaya, having assembled in the battlefield, what did my sons and the sons of Pandu do?"

The discourse that Lord Krishna gave to Arjuna which was instructed,enlightened and inspired Indians down the ages is what the Gita is all about.

For more information , refer Bhagavad Gita On-Line , Bhagavad Gita Home Page or http://www.geocities.com/neovedanta/gita.html




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