The Epic of Rama relates to the ancient traditions
of two powerful races,The Kosalas and Videhas,who lived in Northern India
between the 12th and 10th centuries before Christ.The
names Kosala and Videha in the singular number indicate the kingdoms Oudh and
North Behar and in the plural number they eman the ancient races which
inhabited those two countries.Ramayana is a story about Rama and his wife
Seeta.Ramas father ,King Dasarathan had 3 wives named Kausalai, Kaikehi and
Sumathri.Ramans mother was Kausalai,Baratan born by Kaikehi , Lacumanan and
Saturganan born by Sumathri.Ramayana was written by Valmiki in Sanskrit.There
are a lot of story in Ramayana but is seldom said or written.Ramayana is also
translated in many languages.It was written in tamil by Kambar,Hindi by Tulasi
dass and Benggal by Krittivasa.
Vali,Sugreeva and Hanuman have key roles in
Valmikis famous epic,Ramayana.They were begotten in the monkey tribe by
Indra,King od the Devas,Surya,the Sun God and Pavana,the Wind God respectively
to help Vishnu when he manifested himself on earth(as Rama-the son of King
Dasaratha of Ayodhya)to destroy the evil Ravana.
Vali became the king of Kishkindha.He loved
Sugreeva,his brother.But a misunderstanding estranged them and they became
sworn enemies.Banished from Kishkandha,Sugreeva went to the Rishyamuka
Mountains and lived in hiding there.
One day ,Rama came there in search of Seeta,his
wife who had been carried away by Ravana.There he found Sugreeva and seek his
help to rescue Seeta.Sugreeva took the opportunity to seek help from Rama to
kill Valli and win back his wife.Rama goes to Kishkandha with Sugreeva
and helped Sugreeva to kill Valli.Before dying Valli gave his throne to Sugreeva
and Sugreeva became the
King of Kishkindha.