


.^.Ramayana-The Great War.^.


A Brief View
Rama's Early Years
Rama Meets Thataka
Vishvamitra's Yaga
Ahalya's Free From Curse
Rama Weds Seetha
Kaikeyi's Two Boons
Rama Exiled
Bharata Meets Rama
Surpanakha Meets Rama
Ravana Abducts Seetha
The Great war
Period After Coronation
The Birth Of Pandavas
The Birth Of Kauravas
The Growing Rivalry
Arjuna Outshines Others
Karna's Birth And Greatness
The Dice Game
The Thirteenth Year
The Great War
The Aftermath
Bhagavad Gita
Writing The MahaBharatam
The Anchestors
The Revenge Of The Naga
The Sanjivini
Yayati & Devayani
The Kings Brother In Law
The Vedas



Sugriva the monkey king helped Rama by sending Hanuman. The monkey warrior was accompanied by a great monkey army. Hanuman divided his troops into four divisions. Each division would go in search of Seetha for one month. With the help of the mountain bird(This bird was the brother of Jatayu. )Hanuman went to Asokas garden near Ravanas place.

After seeing Ramas ring in Hanumans hand Seetha trusted Hanuman to bring her Rama to her. In return Seetha gave Hanuman a jewel.Rama was happy .

Vibhishana,Ravanas brother left the palace and magically flew to Rama. Arriving at his camp, Vibhishana declared, "I am the brother of Ravana. I tried to convince my brother to return your wife. But he refused and I left Lanka.I wish to join you and fight at your side. For his honesty and bravery, Rama promised Vibhishana that he would become the new king of Lanka.

On the morning of the fifth day, the great battle began. Each side suffered terrible losses. Blood filled the streets of Lanka. Bodies of fallen warriors were everywhere.
Rama and Lakshmana fought gallantly.
Hanuman was injured in a duel. Vibhishana showed great valor.
Indrajit, Ravana's son, rained poison arrows upon Rama and Lakshmana. So overwhelming was this attack, that the two brothers suffered many wounds. "I shall send both of you to the house of death," cried Indrajit.
Rama and Lakshmana were bleeding heavily, but they fought on.

Indrajit hurled even more powerful weapons at them. Each weapon took a new toll. Rama and Lakshmana fell to the ground unconscious.
Vibhishana prayed to the gods for their safety. "Protect Rama and Lakshmana while they are hurt." While the monkey warriors stood by grief-stricken, the battle raged on without Rama and Lakshmana. Ravana's demons made themselves invisible and attacked the heart of the monkey army. Ravana's forces were merciless. Thousands were killed by unseen attackers.

Seeing his forces in retreat, Hanuman charged on with a great cry. "Victory to Rama! Death to Ravana!"

Then in a weakened voice, Jambuvan, one of the leaders of the army, said, "There is still a way we can regain the advantage and defeat Ravana. Tell Hanuman to go to Kailasa Mountain. There he will see a blazing hill of medicinal herbs. Have him bring these herbs back before sunrise and our army will be saved."

Hanuman rose above the earth and flew off with great speed. When he reached the mountain, he saw the hill that Jambuvan described. But he could not find the herbs. Realizing time was short, he uprooted the entire hill and carried it back to Lanka. Hanuman flew off balancing the hill in one hand.

When he returned to Lanka, the monkey warriors began inhaling the healing air of the herbs. One-by-one, they rose to their feet and regained their strength. Even Lakshmana recovered from his near-mortal wound. Hanuman returned the hill to its original place.

Then they succeeded to kill Indrajit. This enraged Ravana further ,that finally he came to war. The fight lasted two days. Rama could feel his strength leaving him. He turned to one of his sages and said, "My spirit is nearly gone. My arms and legs ache. My heart wants to go on, but my body can no longer respond." The sage said to Rama: "Listen carefully to this secret. It is the heart of the sun that will bring you victory and the auspiciousness to destroy Ravana. Worship the sun, O Rama. He alone protects all beings. Pray to him."Then Rama reached for his most powerful weapon, the Brahma-missile ,aimed the weapon at the on-rushing Ravana. He fired. The missile struck Ravana's chest and exploded. Ravana fell dead.

Rama made Vibhishana the new king of Lanka and took back Seetha to Ayodhya.




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