Krittivasa wrote in version of the
Ramayana in benggali nearly 500 years ago.As he was a poet of the people, his
story is written in simple language and has metaphors that are easily
understood.This story of Kumbhakarna has been derived from his Ramayana which
is called Krittivasa Ramayana.
Kumbhakarna was the younger brother of
Ravana ,the ten headed Rakshasa King of Lanka.He was strong and was a big
bully.He love to frighten and hurt those who was weaker than him.Ravana was
pleased with what Kumbhakarna was doing but his younger brother Vibhishana was
unhappy.Ravana always encourage Kumbhakarna on carrying
on his work but Vibishana was
worried that they have to face Indras anger
if Kumbhakarna continues in this manner
Indra, King of the devas was indeed
angry.He didnt like the idea Kumbhakarna harassing the sages and decided to
teach him a lesson.Indra with his army attacked Kumbhakarna.When Indra hurled
his mace towards Kumbhakarna , Kumbhakarna swallowed it.Instead Kumbhakarna
leap forward and caught hold of Indras elephant by its tusks and flung it far
away.Indras army fled in terror.
One day , Ravana decided to pray to
Lord Bhrama to get more power and strength to conquere the three worlds.He
asked his brothers to join in too .Vibishana joined his brother but for a
different boon.They went to a quiet place and began meditating.Bhrama was
pleased and decided to grace them . In between Indra was worried and went to
Goddess Saraswathy,the goddess of Speech. He seek her help to make Kumbhakarna ask
a foolish boon. If all of them wished for power then Indra s kingdom will be
doomed.The Goddess agreed.
Bhrama appeared in front of
them and first asked Ravana what were his
wishes .Ravana wished to be the King of the Three Worlds.Bhrama granted him his
wish.Then he went to Vibishana and granted his wish too. Now its the turn of
Kumbhakarna.Saraswathy quickly cast her spell and Kumbhakarna requested that he
would like to sleep all day long.As Bhrama granted , Ravana intervened and told
Bhrama to take back the wish. Bhrama told that boon given will never be taken
back . Such was the rule. If Kumbhakarna sleeps all day long then Ravana wont
have his brothers help to destroy his enemies.They will surely know that
without Kumbhakarna ,Ravanas troup can be weaken.Saying thus Ravana asked
Bhrama to reconsider. So Bhrama said that Kumbhakarna will be awake once every
6 months.But if anyone wakes him up on any other day, his life would be in
danger.The next moment Kumbhakarna was fast asleep.
Ravana and Vibishana took back to the
palace and laid him on his bed. Bhramas boon to ravana also came
true.Ravana became the master of the
three worlds.Because of his strenth and power ,Ravana carried away Seeta,wife
of Rama, the prince of Ayodhya.
At Lanka, Ravana kept Seeta in his
Ashoka Garden .Vibishana was angry with what his brother had done.He advised
his brother to send back Seetha to Rama, but Ravana was stubborn.Vibishana left
Lanka and joined Rama who was marching towards Lanka with hugh army of monkeys .With
the help of Sugreeva(The Monkey King) ,Rama built a bridge across the sea to
While at Lanka, a guard informed Ravana
of the approaching Rama and his troops .He sent Bhasmalochana to fight them
Bhasmalochana has power to reduce
whoever he sees to ashes .For this reason he always covers his eyes. When Rama
and his army reached the shore of Lanka ,they saw Bhasmalochana.Vibishana
informed Rama of Bhasmalochanas power and advised Rama to use mirrors to
attack Bhasmalochana.Raman quickly created million of mirrors and aimed at
Bhasmalochana.Before Bhasmalochana
could cover his eyes ,the mirrors had surrounded him.He felt hundred of eyes
burning inside of him .Bhasmalochana was burned to ashes.
After the defeat,Ravana sent many more
Rakshasa to fight Rama.But all failed.
Finally Ravana himself decided to go
.Riding on the shoulders of Hanuman(the mighty monkey-warrior).Rama let go his
arrow .ravana too took his aim towards Rama.But Rama was too quick for him.
Struck by the deadly weapon,Ravana fell unconscious. After a while , he was on
his feet again .Rama flunged a creacent shaped weapon towards Ravana.As his
crown flew from his head,Ravana fled.
Because of his failure ,he decided to
wake Kumbhakarna.Even thou Ravana knew the danger his brother would be
in for waking him before his time but Ravana
wanted to cripple Rama and his army.After all the attempt to wake Kumbhakarna
,the food did the magic.
The message of Ravana was delivered to
him. Kumbhakarna was in no mood to fight. He also thought that Ravana was in
wrong inviting this unnecessary war due
to his useless insistence to marry Sita. He accordingly advised Ravana to
release Sita and put an end to this avoidable conflict.
However, he was a loyal and patriotic Rakshasa. He was proud of his ancestors
and glory of the demon rule and prosperity of Lanka. Hence when Ravana appealed
in the name of glory of their forefathers, in the name and honour of their clan
and dynasty, Kumbhakarna agreed to terminate Rama for ever. Thus full of enthusiasm
and well prepared for the ensuing battle, he led his army to the battle ground.
A fierce fight raged between the two armies. Many monkeys were killed so also
many Rakshasas. Even Angad and Sugreeva were on the defensive. Hanuman was
helpless. Therefore, Rama took charge of the front himself. Kumbhakarna was
adept in taking various illusory forms to confuse his enemy. It was difficult
to attack his true body! as many Kumbhakarnas used to appear in front. All the
missiles and arrows eluded him.
Moreover, Kumbhakarna could create 'rain of fire' engulfing the enemy. This
caused confusion and chaos amongst Rama's army. To this, Rama replied by
pouring rain of water to put off the fire. Kumbhakarna poured 'rain of stones',
and Rama countered by appropiate protective cover. The battle went on for quite
some time. At last Rama attacked the demon with his most powerful arrow
fortified with deadly divine missile. This hit the mighty Kumbhakarna at his
vital centre that led to his downfall.
On the death-bed Kumbhakarna took the name of Rama and thus he was liberated
from his base instincts and tendencies.