




A Brief View
Rama's Early Years
Rama Meets Thataka
Vishvamitra's Yaga
Ahalya's Free From Curse
Rama Weds Seetha
Kaikeyi's Two Boons
Rama Exiled
Bharata Meets Rama
Surpanakha Meets Rama
Ravana Abducts Seetha
The Great War
Period After Coronation
The Birth Of Pandavas
The Birth Of Kauravas
The Growing Rivalry
Arjuna Outshines Others
Karna's Birth And Greatness
The Dice Game
The Thirteenth Year
The Great War
The Aftermath
Bhagavad Gita
Writing The MahaBharatam
The Anchestors
The Revenge Of The Naga
The Sanjivini
Yayati & Devayani
The Kings Brother In Law
The Vedas



In the concluding portions,the descendants of Rama and his brothers are described as the founders of the great cities and kingdoms which flourished in Western India in the fourth and fifth centuries before the Christian Era.

Bharat had two sons,Taksha and Pushkala.The former founded Takshasila,to the east of the Indus,and known to Alexander and the Greeks as Taxila.The latter founded Pushkalavathy ,to the west of the Indus,and known to Alexander and the Greeks as Peukelaotis.Thus the sons of Bharat are said to have founded kingdoms which flourished on either side of the Indus River in the 4th Century before Christ.

Lakshman had two sons Angada and Chandrakethu.The former founded the kingdom of Karupada and the latter found the city of Chandrakanthy in the Malwa Country.Satrughna had two sons too named Suvahu and Satrughati.The former became the King of Mathura and the latter ruled in Visisha.

Rama had two sons Lava and Kusa.The former ruled Sravasti which was the capital of Oudh.The latter founded Kusavathy at the foot of the Vindhya Mountains.

The death of Rama and his brothers are in accordance with Hindu ideas of the death of the righteous.Lakshman died under some what peculiar circumstances.A messenger from heaven sought a secret conference with Rama and Rama placed Lakshman at the gate, with strict injunctions that those who intrude should be slain.Lakshman himself had to disturb the conference by the solicitation of the celestial rishi Durvasa,who always appears on earth to create mischief.And true to the order pass by Rama,Lakshman took his own life by penances and went to heaven.In the fullness of time,Rama and his other brothers left Ayodhya ,crossed the Sarayu,surrendered their mortal like and entered heaven.




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