days had passed. Lakshmana, while hunting in the forest, heard the pounding of
a thousand hooves. He climbed a tree to see whose army was approaching. To his
amazement, he saw the lead horseman carrying the flag of Ayodhya. Bharata had
found his brothers. Lakshmana was sure that his brother had come to kill them.
called to Rama: "A great army is approaching led by our brother, Bharata.
I will kill him with my own hands.""Don't be a fool," Rama said.
"He is our brother and he is the king. We must welcome him."
embraced his brothers. He cried, "My heart is filled with grief and shame.
Grief for the loss of our noble father. Shame for being offered the throne that
you rightfully deserve. Come back to Ayodhya and be our king.""That
cannot be done," Rama said. "I gave my word and I shall stay here for
fourteen years and no less. Then and only then will I return."Nothing could
sway Rama.
my brother," Bharata declared, "as long as you are in exile, no one
shall be king. To ensure this give me your sandals. I will place them on the
throne. For the next fourteen years I will serve our land in your name. And, if
after those fourteen years, you do not return, I shall walk into a fire and
die."Bharata took the sandals, mounted his horse and left the forest. In
Kosala, Bharata put Rama's sandals on the red and gold Ayodhya throne.