


.^.Ramayana-Rama Meets Thataka.^.


A Brief View
Rama's Early Years
Rama Meets Thataka
Vishvamitra's Yaga
Ahalya's Free From Curse
Rama Weds Seetha
Kaikeyi's Two Boons
Rama Exiled
Bharata Meets Rama
Surpanakha Meets Rama
Ravana Abducts Seetha
The Great War
Period After Coronation
The Birth Of Pandavas
The Birth Of Kauravas
The Growing Rivalry
Arjuna Outshines Others
Karna's Birth And Greatness
The Dice Game
The Thirteenth Year
The Great War
The Aftermath
Bhagavad Gita
Writing The MahaBharatam
The Anchestors
The Revenge Of The Naga
The Sanjivini
Yayati & Devayani
The Kings Brother In Law
The Vedas



Rama asked Viswamitra about the forest of Dandaka at the confluence of the Sarayu and the Ganga on their journey.Watered by these mighty rivers the Dandakaranya was densely wooded and full of wild beasts.But fiercer than these animals were the rakshasas who had taken possession of the forest.Chief among these was the dreaded Thataka,mother of Maricha.Vishvamitra thought this was a good time to warn Rama and Lakshmana about the demoness.

Vishvamitra then informed Rama about Thataka. She is the daughter of Suketu,a yaksha or heavenly creature.Thataka was once a beautiful woman , made powerful by a boon from Brahma.But a curse from the sage Agastya has turned her into a hideously ugly creature.Her father lost his life having annoyed Agastya.Thataka and Maricha tried quite foolishly to avenge Suketus death and she was cursed in the process.Sha was a bitter , dangerous woman, thirsting for revenge for all her perceived wrongs.Vishvamitra wanted the brothers to take on the demoness and slay her.

In a short while they reached the edge of the forest.Both Rama and Lakshmana were tense with anticipation.On seeing Vishvamitra and the two young men enter Dandakaranya, the furious Thataka started pelting them with stones.Vishvamitra saw the hesitation on Ramas face.Should he really kill her?What if he just hacked her limbs off?Reading Ramas mind, the sage said to him quickly, Remember what I have told you about Thataka.Though she is a woman, she deserves no sympathy and should be destroyed without a qualm.Its your duty to rid the world of Thataka.If you dont kill her by sunset, she will return tomorrow, and shall be even stronger.

Rama lifted his bow and strung an arrow which made a noise. On hearing this sound, Thataka came running towards them. Rama on seeing the Demoness told Lakshmana thus," A coward's heart will shatter just on seeing her.I don't have the heart to kill her as she is a woman but I will destroy her strength". 

Thataka by her magical powers built a wall to protect herself but Rama shot an arrow and broke the wall and in the process her hands were cut. Lakshmana cut her ears and nose with his arrow. The Demoness assumed many forms by her powers and finally on hearing the sound made by the bowstring, she fainted and fell down. She regained consciousness after sometime and on Viswamitra's order, Rama split her heart and killed her. Viswamitra was overjoyed and embraced Rama.




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