Sarma was a Brahmin living in a small village. He used to daily worship Fire.
It was the month of Magha (February). The sky was full of clouds and it had
already started raining. Sarma left for a neighbouring village at that time to
seek the gift of a sacrificial lamb from some rich man. He called on a
well-to-do man in the village and requested him to make him a gift of a healthy
lamb for sacrifice to Gods. The wealthy man gave him one of the well-fed lambs
he had.
the lamb on his shoulders, the Brahmin began his homeward journey. Three
crooks, very hungry and emaciated, crossed his path and seeing the healthy lamb
on the Brahmins shoulders thought, Ah, God has sent us good food. Let us
trick the Brahmin into parting with it and free us from hunger and cold. At
once, they began to act.
One of
them changed into a disguise, and overtaking the Brahmin by another route,
stopped him and said, O what a fool you are? Such a great worshipper of Fire,
why are you carrying this dog on your shoulders? This will bring you ridicule.
Dont you know that it is a sin to touch a dog, or a rooster, or a donkey?
Brahmin lost his temper and said, You stupid fellow, are you blind? Why do you
call a lamb a dog?
first crook replied, Dont be angry, if you think he is not a dog, please
carry on. I have no objection.
Brahmin hardly walked a little distance when the second crook greeted him and
respected sir, it is highly regrettable that you are carrying a dead calf on
your shoulders, however dear it is to you. The man who touches dead animals or
birds has to undergo purification rites.
Brahmin challenged him, Are you too blind? This is a live sacrificial lamb and
you say he is a dead calf.
second crook said, All right, sir. Please excuse me. I am an ignorant fool. Do
as it pleases you.
Now it
was the turn of the third crook to cross the Brahmins path.
to the Brahmin, the crook said, Sir, it is highly improper. You are carrying a
donkey on your shoulders. This is not done. The elders have said he who touches
a donkey, knowingly or otherwise, has to take a bath fully dressed. So, please
leave him before anybody notices it.
that he was really carrying a donkey, the poor Brahmin threw the lamb to the
ground and went home. Sthirajeevi, continuing his advice to Meghavarna, said,
is hardly any person
Who is not misled by
The servility of a new servant or
The sweet words of a guest or
The mock tears of a wily woman.
remember not to quarrel with weak men when they are united because they cannot
be defeated. See, for example, how a deadly snake becomes prey of a united army
of ants. That is why I want to tell you a few words of caution. Follow them.
shall do as you command us, said Meghavarna.
then began revealing his plan, Apart from the four strategies I had told you,
there is a fifth one. In the presence of everyone, abuse me and punish me
branding me as the friend of your enemy. That will convince the spies of our
enemy that you dont trust me any more. Bring some blood and spray it on my
body. Then exile to the Rishyamooka hills.
shall remain here bruised and when the enemy comes, I will try to earn his
mercy and trust by blaming you. You stay in the hills till I find their fort
and give you a signal when all the owls are sleeping in the day. Then you can
come and with the help of your army kill all the owls. This plan is the result
of great thought. We have no alternative.
Meghavarna approving the plan, Sthirajeevi started a mock fight with the king
of crows. The kings men and others, mistaking it for a real duel, were ready
to kill Sthirajeevi when Meghavarna told them, Dont interfere. Go away. I
will have the pleasure of punishing this unfaithful fellow. Meghavarna then
pretended to attack Sthirajeevi with his beak and doused him in blood he
brought with him and left for the hills.
Krikalika, wife of the pretender who was spying on the crow camp, carried this
news of the assault on minister Sthirajeevi and the kings departure for the
hills, to the owl king Arimardana. Soon after sunset, the owl king, accompanied
by his ministers and followers, set out to kill all the crows. They reached the
tree, home of the crows, and surrounded it.
finding a single crow there and happy for that reason, Arimardana told his men
to look for the crows so that they could chase them and kill them. Meanwhile,
Sthirajeevi, who suffered mock injuries, began weakly moaning to attract the
attention of the owls.
the owls saw this and rushed to kill him, he pleaded, Sir, my name is
Sthirajeevi and I am minister of Meghavarna, the king of crows. Before you kill
me, I have something to convey to your king.
came to see the minister at once and asked him the reason for his plight.
Sthirajeevi told him, Our king wanted to avenge the massacre of his subjects
by your men. When I knew he was bent upon waging a war with you, I advised him
not to be rash and not go to war with you. I asked him to sign peace with you.
My king thought that I was on your side and in great anger inflicted these
injuries on me. As soon as I recover, I will show you where he and his men are
hiding. You can destroy them.
king of owls called a meeting of his elders and his five ministers for
consultations. He asked his first minister, Raktaksha, Friend, our enemys
minister is in our custody. What shall we do with him?
minister said, What is there to discuss? Kill him instantly without
hesitation. It is always better to destroy the enemy before he acquires
strength. Such opportunities come once in a while. If you lose it now, you will
never get it back. Dont be carried away by Meghavarnas ministers show of
affection. Because once lost, love never returns.
drive home the point, Raktaksha related to the king of owls
story of a cobra and a Brahmin
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