was a merchant living in one of the countrys big cities. He had a son, who,
one day purchased a book whose only content was a single verse. The verse read:
Man gets what is in his destiny
Even God cannot prevent it
To me it makes no difference
Whats mine can never become others.
is the price of this book, the father asked.
rupees, said the son.
father flew into a rage and said, You are a fool. You have paid hundred rupees
for a book that has only one verse. You can never come up in life. Leave my
house at once. It has no place for you.
out of the house, the boy went to another city and began fresh life there. One
day, a neighbour asked him, What is your native place and what is your name?
boy replied, Man gets what he is destined to. He gave the same answer to
whoever asked for his name. From that day onwards, people began calling him
Praptavya, meaning the same line he was reciting to indicate his name.
summer came and the city was celebrating it with a big fair. One of the
visitors to the fair was the citys princess Chandravati and her maids.
Chandravati was young and beautiful. As she was making the rounds of the fair,
she saw an extremely handsome warrior and immediately fell in love with him.
She told one of her maids, It is your job to see that both of us meet.
maid ran to the warrior and told him, I have a message for you from our
princess. She says she will die if you do not meet her today.
tell me where and how I can see her. How can I enter the harem? asked the
maid told him, Come to the palace and you will see a rope hanging from the
high wall. Climb and jump over the wall with the help of the rope.
right, I will try to do it tonight, said the warrior.
the night came, the warrior lost his nerve and thought, O this is an improper
thing to do. The elders have said, He who has liaison with the daughter of a
teacher, wife of a friend or of a master or of a servant commits the sin of
killing a Brahmin. Also, dont do what brings you a bad name or what denies you
a place in heaven. In the end, the warrior decided not to meet the princess
and stayed back at home.
out for a walk in the night, Prapta noticed the rope outside the royal
palaceand curious to know what it is, went up the rope that took him inside the
princess bedroom. The princess mistook him for the warrior and served him
dinner and with great ecstasy told Prapta, I have fallen in love with you at
the very first sight. I am yours. You are in my heart and nobody except you can
be my husband. Why dont you say something.
replied, Man gets what he is destined to. The princess immediately realised
that this man was not the warrior she saw in the day and asked him to leave the
palace at once. She made sure that he climbed back the way he came. Prapta left
the place and slept that night in a rundown temple.
sheriff of the city came to the same temple where he had arranged to meet a
woman of vice. He saw Prapta sleeping there and to keep his meeting a secret,
he asked Prapta who he was. Prapta recited the verse about destiny. The sheriff
then said, Sir, this is a bad place to sleep. You can go to my house and sleep
there tonight in my place. The merchants son agreed to the proposal.
the sheriffs house, his young and beautiful daughter Vinayawati had asked her
lover to come and meet her secretly there in the night. When Prapta came there
following the sheriffs advice, Vinayawati mistook him in the darkness for her
secret lover. She arranged a feast for him and married him according to
Gandharva tradition. Noticing that Prapta did not utter a word, the sheriffs
daughter asked him to say something. Prapta recited his usual verse. Vinayawati
realised her mistake and asked him to leave at once.
Prapta once again took to the street, he saw a marriage procession entering the
city led by the bridegroom named Varakirti. He joined the procession. The bride
was the daughter of a very wealthy merchant of the city. This procession
reached the wedding hall sometime before the scheduled time for the wedding.
brides father set up a costly and gaily decorated dais for the wedding. The
bridal party came to the scene of wedding a bit in advance. In the meantime, an
elephant went berserk and killing the mahout headed for the marriage venue. The
bridegroom and his party joined the frightened people who were fleeing the
scene of marriage.
happened to see the frightened bride alone and abandoned on the dais shivering
in fear. He jumped on to the dais and told the merchants daughter that she
need not fear for her life and that he would save her at any cost. With great
courage and presence of mind he approached the elephant with a stick and began
to threaten him. The elephant luckily left the scene. Prapta took the brides
hand into his as a token of assurance.
peace returned, Varakirti and his friends and relatives also returned to the
dais and seeing the brides hand in the hand of a stranger, addressed the
merchant, Sir, you have pledged the hand of your daughter to me. But I see
that you have given her away to someone else. This is improper. The merchant
replied, My son, I dont know anything. I also ran away from the dais. Let me
ask my daughter.
daughter told her father, This brave man saved me from the mad elephant. He is
my saviour. I wont marry anyone but him. It was now dawn and hearing the
commotion the royal princess also came to the wedding venue to see what
happened. The sheriffs daughter also came there learning what had happened.
The king also came there and asked Prapta to tell him everything without fear.
Prapta as usual recited the verse.
verse rang a bell in the princess head. She remembered what happened in the
night and thought Even God cannot undo what is destined. The sheriffs
daughter also recalled the events of the night and thought There is nothing to
regret nor cause for surprise. Listening to what Prapta said, the merchants
daughter also thought nobody can take away what destiny gives me.
king now knew everything and the mystery of the verse. He then gave away his
daughter in marriage to Prapta and also a thousand villages as gift. He also
crowned Prapta as the prince. The sheriff also married his daughter to Prapta.
The merchants son lived happily ever after with his wives and parents.
the mouse, thus ended his story of troubles and said:
Even God cannot undo
What is destined
There is nothing to regret
Nor cause for surprise
Nobody can take away
What destiny gives me.
am disillusioned. That is why my friend Laghupatanaka brought me to you, said
the mouse.
the mouse, Mandharaka, the turtle said, O Hiranyaka, the crow is you true
friend. Though he was hungry and you were his meal, he did not kill you. On the
other hand, he brought you here on his back. You must make a friend of him who
is uncorrupted by wealth and who stands by you in time of trouble.
turtle continued, Therefore, stay here without fear or hesitation. Forget the
loss of wealth and shelter. Remember, the shade of a passing cloud, friendship
of the wicked, a cooked meal, youth and wealth do not stay for long. Learned
men are never attached to wealth. It does not come with you even for a few feet
in your last journey. There is a lot of pain in earning money and protecting
it. Money, therefore, brings grief.
is not ours will not stay with us. Havent you heard the story of Somilaka who
earned a lot of wealth but could not keep it?
is that? asked Hiranyaka. Mandharaka
began telling Hiranyaka
story of the unlucky weaver
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