began telling the story. "I sought the hospitality of a Brahmin one day
for sacredceremonies connected with the monsoon season. He was kind enough to
offer me space in his house and in return I used to render services he found
useful in his rituals. As this arrangement continued, one fine morning I heard
the Brahmin and his wife Shandili discussing what they should do for the day.
The husband told his wife, Today is the time when the Sun begins his northward
journey and a time when the rich and pious people offer gifts to Brahmins. I am
going to the next village to receive the offerings. You will do well to invite
a Brahmin as guest today and offer him food in the name of the Sun.
wife flew into a rage and told him, How can I offer anything to anyone in your
poverty-stricken house? Arent you ashamed to make such a suggestion? I have
wasted my entire life as your wife. I havent tasted a good meal so far even on
a single day. Nor do I have any jewellery.
taken aback, the Brahmin quickly recovered and said, Such words are not
becoming of you. The learned say that if you share even half of your meal with
a mendicant, you will get whatever you wish in life. What good the rich reap by
liberally giving away, the poor get by parting with even a cent they have. The
giver deserves to be served even if he is poor. But a rich miser is shunned. It
is like the well and the sea. People drink the water from the well and not the
sea. We must always give to him who deserves. Greed can only destroy a person.
is it? asked the wife.
husband then told Shandili the story of the hunter and the greedy jackal.
hunter went to the forest in search of a kill. Spotting a well-fed boar he took
his bow and aimed a sharp arrow at the boar. Though severely wounded, the boar
made a wild charge at the hunter goring him to death. The boar too died later
from the wounds inflicted by the hunter.
a hungry jackal, not knowing that he was doomed to die, came on the scene where
the bodies of the hunter and the boar lay. He was thrilled by the sight of so
much food and thought, God has favoured me today. Thats why he has sent so
much food for me. It is not without reason that the learned have said that he
who has done a good deed in a previous birth is rewarded in this birth even if
he does not make any effort. This great feast is certainly the result of some
good I have done in a previous birth. But a man must enjoy his wealth in small
doses. Therefore, I will begin my meal with this gut of the bow.
jackal went close to the body of the hunter and began nibbling at the gut of
the bow. The gut suddenly snapped with great force killing the jackal in the
end. Thats why, the Brahmin told his wife, Havent you heard that a mans
longevity, destiny, wealth, learning and death are predetermined by God even as
the child is in the womb of the mother.
that is the case, Shandili said, I have some unhusked sesame seeds in the
house. I will make a cake from it and serve it to a Brahmin. Happy at his
wifes words, the Brahmin left for the next village. The wife soaked the seeds
in warm water, removed their husk and left them on a cloth to dry in the sun.
As the Brahmins wife was busy with other chores, a dog came and peed on the
seeds left on the cloth to dry.
the wife saw what the dog had done, she felt miserable that all her effort had
gone in vain. She thought that nobody could undo Gods will. She thought,
These seeds cannot now be given away to anyone. I will see if I can exchange
them for unhusked seeds. Anybody will agree to this swap.
continued his story, The Brahmins wife came to the same house which I was
visiting to accept offerings. She offered to exchange the husked seeds to
anyone ready to accept them. Then the woman in the house came out and was ready
to accept the husked seeds from the Brahmins wife. But her son intervened and told
her, Mother, these seeds are not good. Why should anyone give away good husked
seeds for the raw seeds? There must be some reason for it. The housewife at
once gave up the idea of taking husked seeds from the Brahmins wife.
Brihat completed the story, he asked Tamrachud, Do you know the route he
(Hiranyaka) takes to come here?
have no idea, said Tamrachud.
you any tool to dig? asked the visitor.
I have a dibble with me.
that case, let us follow the mouse trail before it is erased, said the
resumed his account and said, Listening to the conversation between Tamrachud
and Brihat, I thought that my end had come. Just as he had found my food store,
he is capable of tracking my fort. Learned men can measure the strength of the
rival by just looking at him. I decided immediately to take a new route and was
on my way with the other mice when a fat cat sighted us. He immediately pounced
on us and killed a number of my retinue.
me, those of the bloodied mice who escaped being killed by the cat took the
same old route to the fort. The visitor saw the trail of blood the fleeing mice
left behind and following it reached my fort. There, Brihat and Tamrachud dug
and found the food store. The visitor told Tamrachud, Here is the secret of
the mouses energy. Now, you can sleep in peace. Then they took the store to
the temple, the home of Tamrachud.
went back to where I had stored food. It was now like a desert. Without food,
the spot was a ghastly scene. I did not know where to go and what to do to get
back my peace of mind. Somehow, I spent the day in sorrow and when it was dawn
went to the temple followed by what remained of my retinue. Alerted by the
noise we made, Tamrachud again began striking the food bowl with the bamboo.
Brihat, the visitor, asked him why he was doing so. Tamrachud told him about
our return.
visitor laughed and told Tamrachud, Friend, dont be afraid now. The mouse has
lost his energy. It cannot do any mischief now. When I heard this, I was angry
and tried again to jump at the food bowl and crashed to the ground before I
could reach the bowl.
I was
dejected by this failure. But my sadness increased when I heard my retinue
telling each other that I was no more capable of earning food for them and they
should immediately give up serving me. I then realised the importance of riches
and decided to somehow steal it back from Tamrachud. When I made another
attempt, the visitor saw me and banged the bamboo on my head. I somehow managed
to escape.
have always said that man gets what he is destined to. Even God cannot alter
destiny. So, I stopped brooding over what has happened because
what is ours can never become
that to us, asked Laghpatanaka and Mandharaka
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