


~*~The Hermit And The Mouse~*~


The Loss Of Friends
The Monkey And The Wedge
The Jackal And The Drum
The Fall And Rise Of A Merchant
The Foolish Sage And The Jackal
Crafty Crane And The Craftier Crab
The Cunning Hare And Witless Lion
The Bug And The Poor Flee
The Story Of The Blue Jackal
The Camel,Jackal And The Crow
The Bird Pair And The Sea
Tail Of The Three Fish
The Elephant And The Sparrow
The Lion And The Jackal
Suchimukha And The Monkey
How A Sparrow Came To Grief
Foolish Crane And The Mongoose
The King And The Foolish Monkey
Gaining Friends
The Crow-Rat Discourse
Meeting A New Friend
The Hermit And The Mouse
Shandili And Sesame Seeds
Story Of The Merchant's Son
The Unlucky Weaver
The Rescue Of A Deer
Of Crows And Owls
Elephants and Hares
The Cunning Mediator
The Brahmin And The Crooks
The Brahmin And The Cobra
The Old Man,Wife And The Thief
The Tale Of Two Snakes
The Wedding Of The Mouse
Tale Of The Golden Droppings
Frogs That Rode A Snake
The Croc And The Monkey
Greedy Cobra And King Of Frogs
The Lion And The Foolish Donkey
The Story Of The Potter
A Three-In-One Story
The Carpenter's Wife
The Price Of Indiscretion
The Jackal's Strategy
The Brahmani And The Mongoose
The Lion That Sprang To Life
The Tale Of Two Fish And A Frog
The Story Of The Weaver
The Miserly Father
Tale Of The Bird With Two Heads




In the southern city of Mahilaropya, said Hiranyaka, lived a hermit named Tamrachud in a Shiva temple on the outskirts of the city. Every day, he would go out into the city, collect alms and cook his food. After the meal, he would store whatever is left in his begging bowl and hang it to a peg and go to sleep. He would give the leftovers to poor people in return for services rendered to the temple. They would every day wash it, clean it and decorate it with patterns of chalk.

One day, some of my relatives complained to me, O lord, the hermit is storing the food in his bowl and hanging it high to a peg. We are not able to nibble at it. You alone can reach any place. Why should we go anywhere else when you are there? Lets go to the hermits place and with your help feed ourselves.

Accompanied by my relatives, I went to the hermits place and springing at the bowl brought the stored food down. All of us then had a good meal. We repeated this act every day till the hermit found what we were doing. He brought a split bamboo and began striking the food bowl with it. That noise used to frighten us and we would spend the whole night waiting for a respite from this noise. But the hermit never stopped striking the bamboo.

Meanwhile, a visitor named Brihat came calling on the hermit. Tamrachud received him with great respect and did whatever he could to make the honoured guest happy. At night, the guest would relate to the hermit tales about his travels. But Tamrachud, busy scaring the mice with his bamboo, would not pay much attention to what his guest was narrating. In the middle of the story, the guest would ask him questions to which he would give indifferent replies.

Angry with Tamrachuds absent mindedness, the visitor told him, Tamrachud, you are not a great friend of mine because you are not attentive to what I am telling you. I will leave your place tonight and seek shelter elsewhere. The elders have always said that you must not accept the hospitality of such a host who does not welcome you gladly, does not offer you a proper seat and does not make inquiries about your well-being.

Status has gone to your head. You do not any more care for my friendship. You do not know that this conduct will take you to hell. I am really sorry for what has happened to you. You have become vain and proud. I am leaving this temple at once, Brihat said.

Frightened at his visitors words, Tamrachud pleaded with him, O worshipful guest, please dont be harsh on me. I dont have any friends other than you. Here is the reason why I was not attentive to your discourse on religion. There is this mouse, which every day steals my food however high I keep it. As a result, I am not able to feed the poor people who do the job of keeping the temple clean. The temple is now in a bad shape. To scare this culprit, I have to keep tapping the food bowl with the bamboo stick I keep with me. This is why I was not able to pay attention to the great and learned tales you have been relating.

Realising what really was the problem, the visitor asked the hermit, Do you know where the mouse lives?
Sir, I have no idea, said Tamrachud.
The visitor said, This mouse must have stored a lot of food somewhere. It is this plenty that gives him the energy to jump so high and eat all your food. When a man earns a lot of wealth, that pile of money increases his strength and confidence.

Brihat continued, There is an explanation for everything in this world. There is a reason for Shandili trying to exchange husked sesame seeds in return for degraded sesame seeds.
Tamrachud asked Brihat to tell him who this Shandili was and the story of sesame seeds.

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