ended the story of Somilaka telling Hiranyaka and Laghupatanaka that a rich
person who does not spend money is as poor as any poor person can be. Not being
able to enjoy is common to both the poor and the miserly rich. Nothing on this
earth is greater than charity and there is no greater enemy than miserliness.
crow then advised Hiranyaka, Listen to what the turtle is saying. Elders have
said that it is easier to get friends who talk sweetly but difficult to find
friends who venture to tell you the truth however bitter it is. The latter
alone deserve to be called friends.
crow and the mouse put a brake to their conversation when they saw a frightened
deer darting towards the lake. The crow flew to the top of a tree. The mouse
scampered into his hole and the turtle sank into the water. From the treetop, the
crow could see the deer now clearly and told his other friends, Friends, he is
only a deer who is thirsty. These footfalls are not those of a man.
turtle replied, The deer is panting. It seems someone is chasing him. He has
not come to quench his thirst. Surely, some hunter might be after him. Please
go to the top of the tree and look if you can find any hunter.
that these are friends only, the deer named Chitranga, now said, Friend, you
have guessed correctly. I have escaped the arrow of the hunter and reached here
with difficulty. I am in search of a shelter the hunter cannot reach. Please
show me a place safe from the hunter.
the turtle, said, the scriptures have mentioned two ways of escaping danger.
One is to use your muscle power and another is to run as fast as you can. Now,
run into the forest before the hunter could come.
is not necessary, said Laghupatanaka, the crow.
have seen the hunters taking a good catch of food and going the way they came.
O Mandharaka, you can now come out of the water.
Chitranga, the deer, they became now four friends, happily spending time in
each others company. The learned have said that when you have plenty of
cordial conversation, to be happy you do not need a woman. The man who has no
store of good words is not capable of uttering them.
day, Chitranga had not come when the other three had gathered at the lakeside
for their daily discourse. They thought, Poor Chitranga has not come so far.
Is it possible that a lion or a hunter has killed him? Or, is it possible that
he has fallen into a pit? Well-wishers naturally suspect the worst when their
near and dear ones are not seen for a while.
told the crow, Friend, you know neither Hiranyaka nor I can move fast. You
alone can fly and see more things than we can. Please go immediately and find
out what is happening to our friend.
crow did not fly too long before he saw Chitranga trapped in a hunters net
near a small pond. Moved by his plight, the crow said, Friend, what happened
to you? Trying to check tears in his eyes, the deer said, Death is chasing
me. It is good that you came to see me.
crow said, Friend, dont lose courage when we are here. I will rush back and
bring Hiranyaka here. Laghupatanaka flew fast to where the mouse and the
turtle were anxiously waiting for him to come and tell them what happened to
the deer. On hearing his account, Hiranyaka immediately decided that he should
go and bite off the strings of the hunters net.
He got
on to the back of the crow and together they flew to the spot where the deer
lay helplessly in the hunters net. When the deer saw his friends rushing to
his aid, he realised how necessary it was to collect good friends and how
nobody could overcome troubles without the help of good friends.
asked the deer, How did you, such a learned being, get into this hole? The
deer replied, Friend, this is not a time for a debate. The hunter may come any
time. First, get me out of this net. The mouse laughed and said, Why are you
scared of the hunter when I am here? But tell me how did you let yourself
trapped in this way?
deer replied, Friend, when luck is not with you, you will lose discretion. As
the elders say when death is lurking for you and when wickedness overtakes you,
your thoughts too take a crooked path. Nobody can save you from what God has in
store for you.
they were discussing their plan to escape, Laghupatanaka and Hiranyaka saw that
the turtle also was coming. The crow said, Look, this slow-footed guy is
coming. Neither can we save the deer or ourselves. See this fellows
foolishness. If the hunter comes, I can fly away and you can beat a fast
retreat. But how can this turtle escape?
hunter came when they were debating this point. The mouse did a fast job of
biting off the strings of the net and the deer rushed into the thick forest.
The mouse too disappeared into the nearest hole. But the poor turtle was slowly
plodding its way to safety. But the hunter saw him and bound him to his bow and
slung it across his shoulder and began going home.
saw this from a distance and began reflecting, Troubles do not come in
singles. I have already lost everything I have. I have lost my relatives and my
retinue. Now, this loss of a great friend! We come close to each other only to
part. Everything in this world is temporary. Yet, I am grateful to God, for, he
has created this sweet relationship we call friendship.
the deer and the crow came, disturbing the mouses reverie. Recovering,
Hiranyaka said, Lets not brood over the past. Let us first look for a way to
rescue the turtle. The crow said, Listen, and do as I tell you. Chitranga
will go to a small lake on the hunters way taking him home. He should pretend
he is dead and I will sit on his head and pretend pecking his eyes. Seeing the
motionless deer, the hunter will then rest the turtle on the ground and reach
for the deer. Hiranyaka should at once reach the turtle and bite off the
strings binding him to the bow.
right, we will do as you say, said the mouse and the deer. Meanwhile, the
hunter, seeing the motionless deer, thought it was dead. Leaving the turtle on
the ground, he came to the deer. The deer at once ran away and the crow flew
away. At the other end, the mouse bit off the strings binding the turtle to the
bow. The turtle entered water and the mouse ran to his hole.
the hunter returned to where he had rested the turtle. When he found that the
turtle had escaped, he cried bitterly and went home. After making sure that
they were far away from the hunters reach, the four friends gathered and
celebrated their reunion.
his discourse, Hiranyaka said, It is a lesson to mankind on the value of
friendship. One should not try to cheat friends. The elders have said that he
who is faithful to his friends shall never taste defeat. Thus we come to the
end of the second part of Panchatantra called Gaining Friends.
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