
Stories4u Calendar 09




^^^Churning Of The Ocean^^^

1 Shakuntala
2 Markandeyar
3 The Descent Of Ganga
4 The Tiger And The Leaves
5 Shiva in Phallic Form
6 Shiva Feeds A Stone Elephant
7 Shiva Comes As An Uncle
8 Shiva Found AS A Baby
9 LordMurugan Teaches Bhrama
10 Pillayar And Agathiyar
11 The Three Moorthy's
12 En Ematutan's Curse
13 The Akshayapathra
14 Churning Of The Ocean
15 Arjuna And Shiva
16 Legends Of Surya
17 Mohini,The Enchantress
18 The Exploits Of Lord Krishna



Once, Indra was enjoying the songs sung by Gandharvas when sage Vashishth arrived. But, Indra was so engrossed in music, that he forgot to welcome his distinguished guest. Sage Vashishth was enraged by his behaviour and went away fuming with anger.When the demon King Bali--the lord of Patalloka, learnt about this incident he attacked Indraloka with a large army. A fierce battle took place in which all the deities were defeated. Bali and his army brought all the wealth to Patalloka. But the demons were not destined to be the owner of this plundered wealth for too long as the whole wealth got submerged into the ocean. Bali was surprised and asked Shukracharya about the reason. Sage Shukracharya revealed to Bali that he could not enjoy the splendours of deities' wealth because he had not performed 100 Ashwamedha yagyas.

The deities, after being defeated went to seek Lord Vishnu's help. Lord Brahma was also present with them. After giving a deep thought to the whole issue, Lord Vishnu advised them to patch up with the demons so that all the wealth could be retrieved from the ocean bed.The deities went to Patal-loka and convinced the demons to participate in the churning of the ocean. When the process of churning of the ocean began, Mandarachal mountain was used as a churner and the serpent -Vasuki as the rope.Both the parties immersed the Mandarachal mountain into the ocean but it sank down, as there was no base upon which it could be placed. So, Lord Vishnu took the form of a tortoise and held the mountain on his back.

Churning of the ocean resulted into the emergence of many things like Chandrama, Surabhi (cow), Kalpa tree, Kaustubh, Uchchaihshrava (Horse), Eravat (elephant), goddess Laxmi, poison, ambrosia, intoxication etc.When poison emerged from the sea bed, neither the deities nor the demons made any claim for it. The poison was so venomous that the whole world started getting inflamed by it. Lord Shiva then drank the Halahal poison and thus the world was saved. (This instance of all of the gods, mortals and demons worshipping Shiva, for the act of saving the Universe from the dreaded poison, is believed to have occured during the pradosha kaala (the time period just before sun set). The pradosha kaala puja in Shiva temples is considered to be very sacred on all occurrences of  pradosha days, two days before the new moon and the full moon each month. )

When Dhanvantri appeared with a pot of ambrosia in his hands, a demon named Vrishparva snatched it from him. All the demons then fled to Patal loka with the pot of ambrosia.Lord Vishnu disguised himself as an enchanting beauty and went to Patalloka. There, he found all the demons quarrelling among themselves. Each of them wanted to have his own share of ambrosia.The demons were stunned by Mohini's beauty the moment they saw Lord Vishnu in the form of a beautiful lady. Mohini took control of the ambrosia pot and summoned the deities to Patal loka.

All the deities and demons were made to sit in separate rows. Mohini then started distributing ambrosia to the deities. A demon named Rahu, who had disguised himself as a deity was also sitting among the deities. Hardly had Rahu gulped down some ambrosia then Mohini severed his head on the information given by chandrama (Moon).The severed head of Rahu tried to take revenge by swallowing chandrama, who took the refuge of Lord Shiva. Shiva kept chandrama within the lock of his hair. Meanwhile, Rahu too came chasing chandrama and Lord Shiva wore his head as a garland in his neck.

Another legend of Rahu and Ketu has it that two  asuras, aware of Mohini's trickery took the guise of devas and begot a dose of the nectar from her. Vishnu discovered their act, only when they had consumed half their portion of Amrita, and proceded to destroy them. Protected by the nectar of immortality, the demons took the form of Rahu and Ketu.   Rahu with a snakes head and a human body, and Ketu with a human head and a snake's body are regarded as celestial bodies - shadow planets, or the node positions at which eclipses are caused. Rahu is the ascending node while Ketu is the descending node. Popular belief has it that eclipses are caused when Rahu or Ketu swallow the moon or the sun.

Yet another legend has it that the serpent Vasuki consumed the celestial nectar much against the wishes of the sun and the moon, and that it was split into two, and still continued to live in the form of Rahu and Ketu, the so called enemies of the sun and the moon, threatening to eclispse them at the right moment! Mohini avatara sevai is celebrated in many Vaishnavite temples, where Vishnu is decorated as Mohini the enchantress. Vishnu worshipping Shiva in his Koorma avatara is enshrined at Tirukkachur, near Chennai.






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