
Stories4u Calendar 09




^^^An Ematutan's Curse^^^

1 Shakuntala
2 Markandeyar
3 The Descent Of Ganga
4 The Tiger And The Leaves
5 Shiva in Phallic Form
6 Shiva Feeds A Stone Elephant
7 Shiva Comes As An Uncle
8 Shiva Found AS A Baby
9 LordMurugan Teaches Bhrama
10 Pillayar And Agathiyar
11 The Three Moorthy's
12 En Ematutan's Curse
13 The Akshayapathra
14 Churning Of The Ocean
15 Arjuna And Shiva
16 Legends Of Surya
17 Mohini,The Enchantress
18 The Exploits Of Lord Krishna



In Indian believe,when a person is dead ,the king of death ,Emardhrama will instruct his helpers known as Emathutans to bring back their souls. As usual one day ,Emardhrama instructed one of his Emarthutans to go to earth and return back with the soul of a poor woman who was about to die.This woman who sense the presence of the Emathutan begged him to spare her life since she has a small daughter to look after. The Emathutan took pity and left empty handed. As he approached the Emardhramas kingdom , he saw the woman which soul he had spared standing there. Emardhrama was furious with the emathutans behavior .He said as he was a emathutan , there should not be pity feelings inside of him .As such Emardhrama banished the emathutan to earth until he is forgiven for his mistake.The Emathutan begged for forgiveness from Emardhrama . Finally Emardhrama said he will fully be pardoned and will return back to Emardhrama s kingdom once he regain back to his normal complexion.

With that ,the emathutan fell on earth and his complexion also had changed to a darker colour.He was in deep jungle and didnt know where to go.

As the emathutan start walking , suddenly he saw a man .He ran to him seeking help.The man took pity and gave him a piece of cloth to cover .Emathutan thanked the man for his kindness and covered his body with the mans cloth .The man then walked away .But since there was no where that the emathutan know to go, he followed the man . The man reached his hut and suddenly saw that the emathutan was also behind him .He didnt know what to do.The mans wife asked out of curiousity who emathutna was.The man related what had happened.He wife was indeed furious because they have barely food for them selves and the man had brought along another mouth to feed.Anyways after some time she took pity with the emathutan and invited him in. She cooked porriage and served both her husband as well as the emathutan.For the first time the the emathutan smiled and his complexion became a bit fairer then earlier.Both the man and wife were surprise to see the change but did not question the emathutan . Since then,the emathutan stayed with the poor couple.The man was a tailor and taught the emathutan how to sew.The emathutan was a fast learner and he was quick to master the work.The man was happy .Many people started coming to him to sew clothes and emathutan was a skilled worker. They become to be well known and the life style of the man started to change.

One day a messenger from the palace was sent to the tailors house and gave a piece of materi al and was ordered to   a suit which should be long lasting for the king within 10 days. Upon hearing this, the emathutan started to smile the second time .His complexion become even more fairer then before.The tailor saw this but didnt question the emathutan .The days were passing by but still the emathutan havent started on the suit of the king.The tailor began to get worried.If they cant present the suit when the messenger appear on the 10th day , the tailor would be punished! On the 9th day , the tailor saw that the emathutan didnt start on the kings suit yet and started to scold the emathutan . He ordered that the emathutan start immediately on sewing the kings suit.Emathutan got angry with the tailors behavior and cut the piece of cloth and sewed it into a sack .The tailor was alarmed but couldnt do anything since the cloth that the kind had given had already been sewed as a sack

That night the couple was in trauma .They didnt know how to answer the messenger once he comes the next day . The next day , the messenger as expected, to the surprise of the couple, the messenger said that the king had died and the material that he had given should be sewn as a sack.The emathutan then gave the sack that he had already sewn earlier to the messenger. The couple was surprised at the turn of affair but didnt question how the emathutan knew. The days passed by.One day a rich lady with her two daughters visited the tailor.When the emathutan saw one of the girl the emathutan smiled for the third time.He smiled because one of the girl is none other then the daughter of the poor woman which he had showed pity .His complexion changed and become his normal complexion again.This time the couple questioned emathutan to explain.

Emathutan then explained that he smiled the first time because despite there were lack of food in the house yet the woman had treated him well with porriage.This had reduced the punishment time on earth.The second time he smiled ,is because he had already knew that the kings days were numbered and yet the messenger had come wanting a long lasting suit.The third time he smiled is because he saw the daughter of the woman who he had wanted to spare, having a better lifestyle .Now the emathutan have fully been pardoned and he thanked the couple for their kindness and went back to Emardhramas kingdom.






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