
Stories4u Calendar 09




^^^Shiva In Phallic Form^^^

1 Shakuntala
2 Markandeyar
3 The Descent Of Ganga
4 The Tiger And The Leaves
5 Shiva in Phallic Form
6 Shiva Feeds A Stone Elephant
7 Shiva Comes As An Uncle
8 Shiva Found AS A Baby
9 LordMurugan Teaches Bhrama
10 Pillayar And Agathiyar
11 The Three Moorthy's
12 En Ematutan's Curse
13 The Akshayapathra
14 Churning Of The Ocean
15 Arjuna And Shiva
16 Legends Of Surya
17 Mohini,The Enchantress
18 The Exploits Of Lord Krishna



According to a legend, once Brahma and Vishnu, two other deities of the holy Trinity, had an argument as to their supremacy. Brahma being the Creator declared himself to be more revered, while Vishnu, the Preserver, pronounced that he commanded more respect. Just then a colossal lingam, known as Jyotirlinga, blanketed in flames, appeared before them. Both Brahma and Vishnu were awestruck by its rapidly increasing size. They forgot their quarrel and decided to determine its size. Vishnu assuming the form of a boar went to the netherworld and Brahma as a swan flew to the skies. But both of them failed to accomplish the self- assumed tasks. Then, Shiva appeared out of the lingam and stated that he was the progenitor of them both and that henceforth he should be worshipped in his phallic form, the lingam, and not in his anthropomorphic form.






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