
Stories4u Calendar 09




^^^The Descent Of Ganga^^^

1 Shakuntala
2 Markandeyar
3 The Descent Of Ganga
4 The Tiger And The Leaves
5 Shiva in Phallic Form
6 Shiva Feeds A Stone Elephant
7 Shiva Comes As An Uncle
8 Shiva Found AS A Baby
9 LordMurugan Teaches Bhrama
10 Pillayar And Agathiyar
11 The Three Moorthy's
12 En Ematutan's Curse
13 The Akshayapathra
14 Churning Of The Ocean
15 Arjuna And Shiva
16 Legends Of Surya
17 Mohini,The Enchantress
18 The Exploits Of Lord Krishna



There are many versions of stories regarding the origin of Ganges. According to the Valmiki Ramayana Ganges was the daughter of Himalaya and Maina.

The deities abducted her and took her to heaven. From that time onwards, Ganga started living inside the Karmandala(a spout shoped vessel). According to Kritivas Ramayana the deities had taken Ganga to Lord Shiva to get her married with him. When Maina did not find her in the house, she cursed Ganga to attain the form of water.

Once upon a time, a famous King of Surya Vamsa by name Sakaran was ruling his Kingdom with his two wives . Kesini had a son Asamanjan by name, while Sumathi had sixty thousand sons. Asamanjan's son was Amsuman. Sakaran once started performing the Ashwamedha Yaga. While the Yaga was being performed, Lord Indra stole the horse, took it to the nether world and tied it to a post where Sage Kapila was doing penance. The sixty thousand sons of Sakaran who came in search of the horse saw it near sage Kapila, and started attacking the sage, thinking that he was the culprit. The sage enraged at their insolent behaviour, burnt them into ashes.

Sakaran when his sons did not return with the horse, sent his Grandson Amsuman in search of them. Amsuman found the Horse in the nether world and felt anguished when he saw the sons of Sakaran in the form of ashes. Then he went in search of water to perform the final rites but Lord Garuda appeared before him and told him that it would not be enough if ordinary water was used for the ceremony and that the holy water of Ganga in Heaven should be used for them to attain Moksha. He then advised him to finish the Yaga first and then start making efforts to bring Ganga down to Earth from Heaven. Amsuman took the horse and informed Sakaran about what had happened. Sakaran accordingly finished the Yaga, ruled his Kingdom for a long time and went to Heaven.

Meanwhile Amsuman and his son Dhilipan's efforts to bring Ganga to Earth failed and after them Dhilipan's son Bhagirath handed over the Kingdom to his ministers, went to the forest to do penance .He did 'Panchagni Thavam' and controlled all his senses once a month. With the permission and blessing of sage Bhrigu, king Bhagirath started his penance. He continued his penance for sixty thousand years at length in an enchanting place Naandeshwar in Himalayas. Seeing his severe penance, and perplexed by its radiance, all the gods appeared before Lord Vishnu in Ksheersagar.

Pleased by the gods prayers, Lord Vishnu instinctively learnt about the motive of the gods. He assured them to be fearless and Himself appeared before Bhagirath. Bhagirath greeted Shri Hari.
Lord Vishnu says: "Your desires shall be fulfilled. Your ancestors shall attain to my abode. But now go and pray Lord Shiva with your full capacity. He will definitely benefit you." Saying this, Lord Vishnu disappeared. The king stood there for some time wondering whether it was all a dream when an invisible voice announced, it was not a dream O king! It is reality. Do as Lord Vishnu has said.

Parvati convinced Shiva to receive the powerful torrents unleashed by the tempestuous goddess on his head and divide the fall of the waters into a myriad of streams through his hair. After which, it was relatively easy to guide the river to the centre of the earth, revive the 60,000 and lead Ganga to the ocean.

Finally, Lord Shiva before whom the three worlds bow, appeared before Bhagiratha, pleased by his devotion and prayers, Lord Shiva blessed and expressed his happiness over his penance .Bhagiratha pleased Lord Shiva and requested him to hold her (Ganga)in his Jata (hairs). Lord Shiva accepted it and did the same as requested. He released Ganga on earth, as a result of which Ganga was subdivided into seven streams
1) Dwadini, 2) Pavani 3) Nalini flew towards the east 4) Vakshu, 5) Sita, 6) Sindhu flew towards the west and the seventh stream followed the route, as instructed by Bhagiratha, and hence was called 7) Bhagirathi.. The Ganges reached Gangasagar at the hermitage of sage Kapil where the ashes of Bhagirath's ancestors were lying unattended. As soon as the holy waters of the Ganges touched the ashes, Bhagirath's ancestors got freed from the noose of Yama and ascended to their heavenly abode.

Ganga followed Bhagirath who was on his chariot. Because of her tremendous speed, all the villages, Forests, etc in the way were either getting submerged or drowned. Sage Jahnu who was doing a yagya in his hermitage got angry when his hermitage was submerged in the Ganga. He drank whole of the Ganga by his yogic power. At this the deities, and the men became restless and they requested Jahnu to release Ganga. Jahnu released Ganga from his thigh by cutting it and for this reason Ganga is also called 'Jahnavi' or 'Jahnusta'.

The story of the descent of the Ganga is told in the stone of Mahaballipuram, near Madras, on the south eastern coast. The astonishing exuberance of the sculptor is revealed in the countless statues in relief of gods and goddesses, monsters and angels, snakes, water nymphs, and a veritable Ark of animals that crowd the rock to watch Ganga flow through Shiva's hair while, Kapila remains serene in his meditation.

Filtered through Shiva's divine hair, the Ganga comes from the adobe of the gods bearing all the reviving powers of the universe. Temple cities border her course, the most important being Varanasi. Here, at dawn, hundreds of pilgrims await that special eternal moment when Indra, the king of the Gods, source of life, unites with the sacred, purifying, reanimating waters of Ganga.






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