
Stories4u Calendar 09




^^^Lord Murugan Teaches Bhrama^^^

1 Shakuntala
2 Markandeyar
3 The Descent Of Ganga
4 The Tiger And The Leaves
5 Shiva in Phallic Form
6 Shiva Feeds A Stone Elephant
7 Shiva Comes As An Uncle
8 Shiva Found AS A Baby
9 LordMurugan Teaches Bhrama
10 Pillayar And Agathiyar
11 The Three Moorthy's
12 En Ematutan's Curse
13 The Akshayapathra
14 Churning Of The Ocean
15 Arjuna And Shiva
16 Legends Of Surya
17 Mohini,The Enchantress
18 The Exploits Of Lord Krishna



Once Lord Brahma came to Mount Kailasa and walked in proudly.Murugan was with Lord Shiva and Uma Dewi at that time.Of course the Devas as well as Vishnu was there.While they were returning ,Murugan seated himself at the entrance.Bhrama , passed by but did not propitiate to Murugan with full respect.This annoyed Murugan.

Murugan then stopped Bhrama and asked what was Bhramas daily job.Brahma replied that for thousand of years he had been given the task to create.Then Murugan inquired whether Bhrama knew the full Vedas. Bhrama of course replied that he did and ended his reply with OM. Lord Murugan then ask to explain the meaning of the pranava mantra 'OM' which the Bhrama chanted.Bhrama was unable to explain and said "Om means Lord Brahma."

Angered, Murugan gave Brahma a beating on all four heads and kicked him out of the place. Murugan then threw Brahma in prison at Kandaverpilai. Then he himself took over the job of creation, protection and destruction of the universe. The Devas who know this, went to Vishnu seeking help.Then Vishnu with the Devas went to Shiva himself. Lord Shiva came to know about Brahma's imprisonment and sent Nandi to request Murugan to release Brahma. But Murugan ignored the request.

When Narada told Siva about Murugan's refusal to release Brahma, Siva laughed and he himself went to Lord Murugan.Lord Murugan refused saying how can a man create without knowing the meaning of OM.Furthermore Murugan feels that Bhrama is too self arrogant and should be taught a lesson.This angered Shiva , and Murugan realizing this released Brahma and gave him back his work of Creation. Shiva then questioned Murugan whether he knew the meaning OM.Murugan then explained the meaning methodically.Shiva was indeed surprised at Murugans knowledge.The place this incident took place was known as Swamimalai since.Murugan is known as Swaminathan here, meaning the teacher to the supreme.






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