
Stories4u Calendar 09




^^^Lord Shiva Comes As An Uncle^^^

1 Shakuntala
2 Markandeyar
3 The Descent Of Ganga
4 The Tiger And The Leaves
5 Shiva in Phallic Form
6 Shiva Feeds A Stone Elephant
7 Shiva Comes As An Uncle
8 Shiva Found AS A Baby
9 LordMurugan Teaches Bhrama
10 Pillayar And Agathiyar
11 The Three Moorthy's
12 En Ematutan's Curse
13 The Akshayapathra
14 Churning Of The Ocean
15 Arjuna And Shiva
16 Legends Of Surya
17 Mohini,The Enchantress
18 The Exploits Of Lord Krishna



In Madurai, also known as Naanmaada Koodel there lived a famous businessman. He was a wealthy man named Thanpathy.His wife was Suseelah.There were very happy couple expect they had no children.This worried Suseelah more and more during the days.So thanapathy decided to adopt his sisters son .

They took care of the boy with full of love.But Thanapathy s sister was jealous when she sees Thanapathy is more caring towards his wife. One day she spoke to him in a hurting manner saying that he was a sinner thats why god never blessed him with children.Upon hearing this Thanapathy and his wife left material life and went to the jungle . There,Thanapathy and Suseelah meditated to the Lord to bless them with a child.

They wrote all their wealth and property to his relatives except his sister and nephew.He refused to give nack the custody of his nephew back to his sister. Now the sister regretted for what she had done.She wanted her son back .She repented and prayed to God for forgiveness.One night, she had a dream.Shiva appeared as a Bhramin and told her fight her case in court.

All who grabbed the property were summoned to court.Shiva appeared as Thanapathy and hugged the sister and nephew who was there.Some people accused his saying he was not Thanapathy.But Shiva who claimed to be Thanapathy was able to quote his relatives names and won the stand.Eventually all the property was legally given to the nephew. After all had gone off, Shiva entered a temple in Madurai and disappeared.One eye witness to this was the Pandian King Sivapathy Segaran, now had even greater devotion towards the Lord. Immediately he made his son the next King and became one with the Lord.






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