In Madurai,there was a couple called as Veerupaakar and
Subaviruthai.They had a daughter named Gowri.They were Saivaites.
Once Gowri came of age, they were seeking for a
suitable groom for Gowri.But after some time they were worried because they
still havent found someone suitable fro ther daughter. Finally a Vaisnavite
who use to visit they home married Gowri.Gowri went to live with her in laws
but they didnt approve of her since she was a Saivaite.
One particular day, her in laws went out locking
her in their home.At that time a Saint cameby and asked for food.To serve food
for a saint is considered a bleesing.Gowri was worried as to how she could go
out since she ws locked by her in-laws. As she was wandering about this,the
door opened by itself.She quickly invited the saint in and rushed to prepare
food for her guest.
While eating , The old Saint suddenly changed and
took form of a young man.Gowri became scared and worried. What would her in law
think if they see her with the young man?Suddenly to her bad luck , her in laws
was reaching home.She saw them and didnt know what to do.To her surprise, then
young man then changed into a baby .Gowris in laws who saw Gowri and the baby,
taught it was Gowris and chased her out from the house.Immediately the baby
disappeared and Lord Shiva appeared in full form .Gowri was happy ,as her in laws
were stunned. Gowris suffering ended since then .
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