Indian Mythology is one of the richest elements of Indian
Culture, which enriches it further and makes it a unique one in the world.
Through generations, different stories in Indian mythology have been passed from
generation to generation either by word of mouth or through carefully stored
In Indian
Mythology, particularly Hindu stories, almost all stories related to gods and
demons are based on certain basic premises and are usually filled with some
common concepts and ideas which some of which shall be explained below. Keeping
these ideas in mind, really makes the understanding of a lot of the stories a
lot easier. So here goes some of the common concepts found in Indian
Mythological stories. This is by no means complete,but in a summarize manner
includes The Trinity : In the
backdrop of all stories related to Hindu Gods and Goddesses, there is the
inherent assumption of the Trinity as being the all powerful. The Trinity
constitute Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva and Lord Brahma. Lord Vishnu is the preserver
of the universe, responsible for the daily running of the universe. Lord Brahma,
is the creator of the universe and is responsible for creation of this world and
worldly beings. Lord Shiva is considered the destroyer.
Performing a Penance: In many instances, humans as well as asuras are shown to
have into a state of deep penance for a particular God, and in this state they
are recluse from this world and deprive themselves of any pleasures etc and all
they are engaged in is a state of deep meditation for the God they wish to
contact.Granting of a Boon: In many cases of penance, a God either Lord
Brahma or Lord Vishnu or Lord Shiva usually appear and grant a wish to the
person. This is usually some kind of power. It may be a form of protection
against specific type of creatures, or a limited form of immortality or any such
similar wish. A whole range of wishes can be found in the realm of Indian
Mythology. Curse or Shaap: In many instances, where either a God or a rishi
is enraged, they usually cast a curse on the person affected, which is usually a
bad effect on the person.Relief from Curse: In many instances,
there are also some antidotes to a curse accompanying a person. This antidotes
usually may consist of some specific instance happening later in the creature's
life, it can even be in a later life.
Deva-Asura war: Indian Mythological stories are filled with instances of war
between the asuras and devataas, because asuras are usually valiant,
strong-headed and desire to conquer the territories the devataas occupy.