Rama Sastry was a renowned
scholar in reasoning, logic, and grammar. A wish lied in his heart to compete
with Ashta Diggajas in Bhuvana Vijayam of Sri Krishna Deva Rayalu. The wish
strengthened with the passage of time. With the desire in him, he appeared
before the King Rayalu, one day when he was in his usual literary sessions with
the eight jewels of his court.
Hey King of Kings, Rama Sastry
presented salutations to Rayalu, You are the beacon of the Vijaya Nagar
Empire! With your pleasant looks poetry, literature and composition are
flourishing in this region. I bow to you with all respects. Sastry continued,
The hear and say about the Ashta Diggajas in your Bhuvana Vijayam, their
command over various divisions of literature. They all are reputed and their
names are uttered with respect in the scholars and learned circles. I seek your
kind permission to question them and know about their efficiency in their
concerned arenas.
King Rayalu on listening to the
humble request of the visiting intellectual, Dear learned person! I too carry
a thought to know the standards and excellence of our Ashta Diggajas. I would
be happy if that wish is accomplished through you Rama Sastry. You attend the
court tomorrow and let there be a professional competition. Rayalu ordered his
courtiers to arrange a guest accommodation to the visitor.
Satisfied Rama Sastry presenting
salutations to the king again and left Bhuvana Vijayam.
The next day, Rama Sastry
presented himself in the court with all preparation. Allasani Peddana, Nandi
Thimmana, Rama Raja Bhushanudu, Madaya Gari Mallana, Dhoorjati, Ayyala Raju
Rama Bhadrudu, Bhattu Murthy, and Tenali Ramakrishna besides full house
attendance to watch the competition fill the Bhuvana Vijayam. All the seven
among the Ashta Diggajas were tensed with the reputation they heard about Rama
Sastry about his command and expertise in logic, reasoning, and grammar.
Sastrys name is taken with scare and respect, as he defeated those
personalities who were graded to be aces in that division of literature. All
the seven were nervous thinking whether there is a possibility of winning the
visiting scholar or not.
While Sastry was sitting in all
comfort, confidence and the seven of the Ashta Diggajas were worried; Tenali
Ramalinga was seated in all ease and pleasant. Ramalinga after salutations to
the King Rayalu and taking his permission started speaking, Mr Rama Sastry!
Are you good in poetry. Rama Sastry thinking that as an insult to him was
about to enrage on Ramalinga. However, recollecting that he is present in the
royal court of King Rayalu stopped himself from doing so.
Gazing Ramalinga top to bottom
sarcastically said, Do you think that I am no good at that stupidverses? Do
you consider even that a scholarship?
Instantly replied Ramalinga,
That was good to know Mr Rama Sastry that you are good in stupid poetry. We
understood that very well with your words. So nice of you. Sastry questioned,
Ramalinga, are there two categories as stupid poetry and bright poetry?
That was your statement, Rama
Sastry! Ramalinga bounced back, you asked me whether I think you are no good
in stupid verses. Thats all right. Let us keep that aside for now, I request
you to keep us informed what are you scholar in?
I am reputed for my scholarship
in logic and grammar. On both the subjects I have excellent command, replied
Rama Sastry.
Ramalinga innocently said, Mr
Sastry! For quite some time, I have a doubt in a grammar sequence. Can you
clarify, if I ask you that?
Sure! Sastry answered with all
pride and proud filled tone, you dont have to hesitate any more.
What is the grammatical rule and
theory to be followed for a word, Thriyambaka Ramalinga furnished his
Rama Sastry moved his body as if
he was in laughter within. Later, he said that is that a doubt? Dont you know
even that? Thri + Ambaka= Thriyambaka. This is known as Dwigu Samasam (A
theoretical regulation in Telugu (Andhra) Grammar for combining two meaningful
words into one.) God! How is that you are placed so high without knowing such a
common basic, strange! commented Sastry.
Hey! Is that all? Ramalinga was
ready for another bout of sarcasm, If this is what you know, and can define
then your scholarship is like a dead wood.
When the two were about to get
into the actual and real round of debate and discussion, King Rayalu stopped
them and adjourned the competitive session for the next day, as he was to take
care of administrative and other affairs.
News spread in the city like
wildfire that Ramalinga and Rama Sastry are about to have a literary war in the
Bhuvana Vijayam, the next day enthusiasts, scholars, poets, composers and
others flooded into the galleries of the court.
When almost all the distinguished
personalities of Bhuvana Vijayam including the visitor Rama Sastry, King Rayalu
entered the court and occupied the royal throne. All those present in the court
saluted the King and took their respective seats. Ramalinga was not seen, and
noticing this Rama Sastry grinned within. Sastry thought Ramalinga was scared
and was not present. Just then, Ramalinga carrying something fastened in a nice
cloth entered in a hurry and sat after saluting the King and the court.
Those present in the galleries
whispered among them looking at Ramalinga surprisingly. After the King waved
for continuation of the debate and discussion, Rama Sastry questioned,
Ramalinga can I know what is the title of the book you carried in? Ramalinga
not hesitating a moment replied, This is king of standard books titled,
Thilakashta Mahisha Bandhanam. Rama Sastry puzzled on hearing such title,
curiously he leaned forward and repeated, What? Thilakashta Mahisha
Yes! Mr Rama Sastry! Ramalinga
said, Thilakashta Mahisha Bandhanam! Havent you read this book earlier?
Presuming that this standard book would be helpful for our debate and
discussion, I brought this along.
Rama Sastry could not figure out
what to do. First, he never knew that such books of standards existed,
secondly, Ramalinga brought that along with him. What to do if he countered my
argument and presented one or the other citations from the book in support of
his counter-argument? I will be closed and my skills and expertise, command
would never be respected again. Rama Sastry thought for a while and decided to
do something. Turning towards the King Rayalu he said, My Lord! Ramalinga
brought Thilakashta Mahisha Bandhanam with him to standardise his argument and
counter-argument in the session. That being the case, I should also bring some
standard books to support my logic and reasoning. If the King kindly grant me
permission to bring those from my guest accommodation, I would return
King Rayalu acceded his plea and
consented, Its alright, proceed. Rama Sastry threw himself out of the court
like a whirlwind.
Time was passing by and Rama Sastry did not return. Rayalu
was compelled to postpone the session for the next day, as the session cannot
continue without the competitors presence.
The next morning, again the court
was waiting for Rama Sastry. He never appeared. King Rayalu ordered his
soldiers to verify and inform the court about the disappearance of Rama Sastry.
Soldiers returned like a ball hit to the wall and explained that Rama Sastry in
the dark of the night went away with his luggage. Probably this could be the
result of the realisation that, he is definite to lose in the debate and discussion.
From protecting himself from the humiliation, Rama Sastry should have left not
informing anyone.
The total presence in the Bhuvana
Vijayam including King Rayalu could not stop getting into laughter. Looking
appraisingly at Ramalinga, Rayalu said it was an excellent performance.
Ramalinga! Rayalu asked,
Recite to the court some good contents of the book you brought along,
Thilakashta Mahisha Bandhanam, to the court.
HahahahahHahhahaha Ramalinga
said, with all due respects to the King, is that you also mistook this bundle
to be a book? Look at this and opened the bundle. Again there was hilarity in
the court, as it was a book, it was a tender Sesamum plant tied with reign rope
for buffalos. Both were fastened in a nice cloth. Looking at the contents of
the bundle, there was amusement for the courtiers and onlookers.
Ramalinga explained, Thilakashta
means a Sesamum plant and Mahisha Bandhanam, a rope used for tying a buffalo,
both put together, Thilakashta Mahisha Bandhanam. That is it all. No standards
and no books. Rama Sastry fell into dilemma on hearing this name, he did not
try to take the title and think. In all confusion, he fled the city.
King Sri Krishna Deva Rayalu appreciated the intellect of
Ramalinga and felicitated him for protecting the reputation of Bhuvana Vijayam.
That was how, Ramalinga won the battle long before drawing any sword!