


~*~Tenali Rama's Entry In Vijayanagar Court~*~


Early Childhood
Tenali With The King's Guard
Entry In Vijayanagar Court
Tenali The Boy Wonder
Tenali And The Magician
The Saint Who Loved Truth
Tenali's Gift
Scholar From Kashi Humbled
Tenali And The Brinjal
Around The Camp Fire
Tenali's Outspokenness
Tenali Saves His Life
A Lesson To The Greedy Pandits
Appearing With Head Concealed
Rearing A Colt
Tenali Escaped From Exile
Converts Black Dog To White
Tenali Robbing The Robberers
Tenali And The Egoistic Scholar
A Wrestler's Arrogance
Painting With A Difference
Tenali's Realistic Approach
Humiliates Rama Raja Bhushana
The Wells Wedding Invitation
Adoration To "Donkeys"
Secret Of Weaving Invisible Fabric
Tenali With The Two Thieves
Criticizing Rayulu's Composition
Tenali And Ramayana Recital
Mahabharat&Delhi Sultan's Wish
Thousand Gold Coins
Wins War Before Drawing Swords


Tenali Rama or better known as Ramalinga then ,was mischievous during his childhood. His childishness cheered some and troubled some. His activities were pleasure to some and humiliation to others. Once, while Ramalinga was pursuing his academics, the provincial ruler visited the school as part of checking the standards of the school. He questioned the children in the classroom, Who among you is the most intelligent? Silence spread in the class. No child dared to give reply to the Kings question. Meanwhile, Ramalinga sprung up from his seat and answered with confidence, I am the intelligent student in the class. The King appreciated Ramalingas confidence and courage. Calling him closer, the King enquired him about several things and blessed him, You will go places my child.

Similarly, Ramalinga grew big and made his presence felt in history. Ramalinga practised poetry and composition along with command on language and grammar. Mingling with a group of minstrels, he learnt the art of spontaneous poetry composing techniques at Tenali. He made himself a perfectionist in Sanskrit and Telugu (Andhra) languages. Gradually, in the natural process of growing up, he was married and was blessed with children. From then onwards, he was compelled to find ways to earn a living and feed his family.

He learnt that Vijaya Nagar ruler Sri Krishna Deva Rayalu was a revered patron for poetry and poets besides being a scholar in Kannada, Andhra and Sanskrit languages on par. Every poet and scholar with some skill in the vast Vijaya Nagar empire was longing for getting into the Bhuvana Vijayam, the royal court of Rayalu. Ramalinga headed for Vijaya Nagar with a similar thought and wish in him.

First, he approached the royal priest Thathacharya and laid his heart before him, after exhibiting his skills. Thathacharya promised Ramalinga to introduce him to the King Rayalu. Satisfied Ramalinga spent many a days in vain, waiting for the opportunity. Ramalinga was vexed and started hunting for alternative ways that would gain entry into the court. He then located Nandi Thimmana, another scholar who had a permanent place in the royal court. Ramalinga approached Thimmana and appeased him with his expertise in spontaneous poetry. Thimmana felicitated Ramalinga by presenting him with a Kashmir Shawl, which was presented to him by King Rayalu the previous day for his performance.

The next day, Ramalinga adorning the Kashmiri Shawl on his shoulders walked into the royal court. King Rayalu was discussing various issues with the courtiers at that time. Rayalu was surprised to see a stranger in the Shawl that was presented to Thimmana couple of days before. A straight question came from the King Rayalu, Where did you get this shawl? With all humbleness Ramalinga replied, My King! Thimmana could have satisfied you with his proficiency. I was fortunate enough to please that great personality with my poetry. Thimmana, pleased with my expertise he continued, presented me this shawl felicitating me at his residence. I am wearing this to exhibit my competence.

Sri Krishna Deva Rayalu was impressed by the way Ramalinga presented himself in the court.



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