


~*~Tenali,The Boy Wonder~*~


Early Childhood
Tenali With The King's Guard
Entry In Vijayanagar Court
Tenali The Boy Wonder
Tenali And The Magician
The Saint Who Loved Truth
Tenali's Gift
Scholar From Kashi Humbled
Tenali And The Brinjal
Around The Camp Fire
Tenali's Outspokenness
Tenali Saves His Life
A Lesson To The Greedy Pandits
Appearing With Head Concealed
Rearing A Colt
Tenali Escaped From Exile
Converts Black Dog To White
Tenali Robbing The Robberers
Tenali And The Egoistic Scholar
A Wrestler's Arrogance
Painting With A Difference
Tenali's Realistic Approach
Humiliates Rama Raja Bhushana
The Wells Wedding Invitation
Adoration To "Donkeys"
Secret Of Weaving Invisible Fabric
Tenali With The Two Thieves
Criticizing Rayulu's Composition
Tenali And Ramayana Recital
Mahabharat&Delhi Sultan's Wish
Thousand Gold Coins
Wins War Before Drawing Swords


When Raman was a boy, his neighbour once took him to the house of a rich and powerful landlord.
Hes a prodigy, the neighbour told the landlord.
Ive never seen a more intelligent boy. He has an answer for everything!
The landlord was a proud and haughty man who thought himself the only intelligent person in the country. He was not at all pleased to hear his visitor praise Raman.
He doesnt look very intelligent, he said, glancing at Raman. In any case the more intelligent a boy is, the duller he becomes as a man!
Is that true? asked Raman, with an air of innocence. Then, sir, as a boy you must have been even more intelligent than I am!



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