One day, King Krishnadevaraya
was sleeping even after the sunrise. According to the day's schedule the
hairdresser came there to shave and remove the unwanted hairs in the face of
the king. But finding him asleep, he was embarassed for a moment that whether
to complete the work somehow or to go away. He feared that he may have to
invite the wrath of the king on either way. So, he decided to do the work
without hindering his sleep. He shaved the king's face so carefully that he did
not wake up, and then went away.
The King on rising saw himself in the mirror.
He was very much delighted to see, the unwanted hair in his face was so nicely
shaved off without causing any cut or injury. He summoned the hairdresser to
come to the palace immediately. The hairdresser thought that he is going to be
punished by the king. He entered the palace, trembling. But, to his surprise
the king appreciated him for the work he has done. The king was so pleased that
he was prepared to fulfil his wish if he has any. The hairdresser said,
"My lord! Please, elevate me as a member of the upper strata of the
The King agreed and made all arrangements for that historic event. Lot
of people were going to the venue where the special event was going to take
place. Tenalirama came to know about this. He thought that, the king's action
was foolish and wanted to remind him of that. So, he made a plan.He dragged a
black dog, tied by a rope around its neck, to the nearby tank. Then he dipped
the dog inside the tank. After taking it out he brushed all over its body with
a coir brush. Again he dipped in the water and dragged it out after sometime.
The poor animal kept on barking. Without bothering he was repeatedly doing this
operation. Those who passed that way had a glimpse of this pitiable scene. When
they asked the reason for doing so, Tenalirama said,"I feel very ugly to
see my sincere dog in black colour, hence adopting this way to make it
At that time Krishnadevaraya who was also on his way to the venue
happened to see Tenalirama's action. Krishnadevaraya went near by him and
asked: "Why do you treat this dog thus?" Tennalirama replied. "I
intend making this black dog a white one." The king called him a mad man
and bade him desist from the impossible attempt. Tennalirama promptly replied:
"When a hairdresser, who has shaved the king's face skillfully, can be
made to be elevated to the upper strata of society why can't a sincere black
dog be made to become a white dog?" The king felt that the rebuke was just
and returned back to the palace.