It was the practice of King Sri
Krishna Deva Rayalu to visit the jails once a while and review the living
standards of the convicted. During one of his visits, two of the jail inmates
pleaded for cutting down their punishment period.
They explained that theft was one
of the 64 arts in the epics and Vedas and started defining the art of stealing.
However, they argued that they would shed the lifestyle and shift for one or
the other profession to eke out their living. Rayalu thought for a moment
brushing his moustache royally.
"Its alright thieves. First let
me know about your expertise in the art and then decide. You both have to
burgle at Ramalingas house and return. If you emerge successful, then you will
be set free immediately," Rayalu ordered them. "Hey ,you both listen. You should
not deliver any physical blows to the households, take care" he added one
The same night they were
officially let out for robbing Ramalingas residence. Ramalinga was nurturing
a beautiful backyard garden fondly. The thieves duo crossed over the backyard
compound wall and took shelter in the bean bushes to watch the surroundings
Ramalinga was not just another
ordinary man in the crowd. He spotted the duo hiding in the bushes. He called
his wife loudly," My dear wife! Come here fast. The whole town is on fire with
the news about some convicts jumping jail and are said to be at large well
within the town. We should immediately protect all our jewellery and other
valuables watching carefully around the bushes, increasing the pitch bring
that bundle with all our gold and jewellery."
A minute later, Ramalinga and his
wife with great effort brought a heavy bundle into the backyard and dropped it
into the well. Dhhhhhhhhhhhabbbb.spppppplsh sounds of a heavy weight dropping
into the water in the well echoed for few seconds. The thieves looked at each
other with sparkles in their eyes.
They never thought it would be so
easy to rob Ramalinga. Meanwhile, the couple went inside the house and closed
the door. After sometime, snores were heard from the bedroom of the house.
Slowly the thieves drew themselves out of the bushes, taking care they do not
make any noise and went close to the well. While one of them stood guard, the
other one slipped into the well. In a minute, the thief came out of the well
and discussed with the other that there is much water in the well. The
jewellery bundle cannot be taken out as it is. It would be better if some water
was drawn out to snatch away the bundle, they decided.
Immediately they started drawing
water from the well one after the other bucket. Water started flowing
continuously in the backyard spreading all the ways. In the shade of trees and
darkness, Ramalinga covering his head with a shawl took one farm tool and
started guiding the water to the plants and trees in the yard. As it was too
dark and the thieves were concentrating on drawing the water alone, they did
not notice Ramalinga doing this.
After drawing water from the well
for three to four hours continuously, the thieves were tired. One of them again
went into the well and came back," You, come I need help to bring the bundle
out, it is too heavy. "Both of them slipped into the well together again. With
great effort both of them brought the bundle out and fell on the ground like
logs of woods after opening it.
To their dismay, it was not a
bundle of jewellery but a bundle of small boulders and rocks. They never
understood until then that Ramalinga hid his precious items somewhere in the
house and dropped this into the well.
Ramalinga called them," Hey dear
thieves! Please draw few more buckets of water from the well. Only two of the
plants are to be watered. Please hurry up it is close to dawn. Kindly help me
quick and little more like sprinkling chillies on the wounds of burglars. "
Both of them were stunned on
hearing Ramalingas voice. They told each other, "Run! It is Ramalinga! " and
sped away crossing the wall with all the tired bodies.
The so-called argument of the thieves about the art of
stealing and their expertise did not work on Ramalinga at least.