


~*~Tenali Saves His Life~*~


Early Childhood
Tenali With The King's Guard
Entry In Vijayanagar Court
Tenali The Boy Wonder
Tenali And The Magician
The Saint Who Loved Truth
Tenali's Gift
Scholar From Kashi Humbled
Tenali And The Brinjal
Around The Camp Fire
Tenali's Outspokenness
Tenali Saves His Life
A Lesson To The Greedy Pandits
Appearing With Head Concealed
Rearing A Colt
Tenali Escaped From Exile
Converts Black Dog To White
Tenali Robbing The Robberers
Tenali And The Egoistic Scholar
A Wrestler's Arrogance
Painting With A Difference
Tenali's Realistic Approach
Humiliates Rama Raja Bhushana
The Wells Wedding Invitation
Adoration To "Donkeys"
Secret Of Weaving Invisible Fabric
Tenali With The Two Thieves
Criticizing Rayulu's Composition
Tenali And Ramayana Recital
Mahabharat&Delhi Sultan's Wish
Thousand Gold Coins
Wins War Before Drawing Swords


One day, Tenalirama incurred the extreme displeasure of the king, for overdoing his part. He ordered his servants that Tenalirama must be made to be trampled by an elephant. The servants of the palace, took him to an open plain outside the city. They dug a deep pit there and buried him in it, leaving only his face, projecting above the ground. They then returned to the city to fetch an elephant for treading over Tenalirama.

In the interval, a hunch-backed washerman happened to pass that way. He, after seeing Tenalirama in that particular posture, wanted to find out the reason for that. When asked for the reason, Tenalirama replied, "I have a hunch-back for a very long time. In order to correct the defect, a doctor left me buried here thus. I have lost my curve and become straight now. You can dig me up and see for yourself whether it is so or not." The washerman did accordingly and to his surprise he did not find any bend in Tenalirama's body.

Then, the washerman begged him that he may also be buried in the pit, so that his body too might become erect. Without any delay Tenalirama fulfilled his desire, and returned to the king with the washermans bundle on his hand. The king was very much astonished to see Tenalirama. He asked him, "How could it be possible that you are still alive? By now, you should have been trampled to death by an elephant!" The jester replied with a cool obeisance, "The order was so, but an honest washerman has obligingly taken my place and this is the bundle which he entrusted to me. The king could not control his laughter and excused his jester.



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