On yet another occasion,
Krishnadevaraya was very much angry with Tenalirama. He asked Tenalirama to
leave his country itself. Tenalirama obeyed the king's order and started his
journey.After some days, Krishnadevaraya riding on his horse, was going through
a forest. At that time, he saw a person climbing to the top of a tree. He found
that the person was no other than Tenalirama. His anger towards Tenalirama was
not yet subsided and so he said very sternly," I asked you to go out of
this country. But why are you still here?Tenalirama answered very
intelligently,"Your highness, I have travelled the entire world. But, all
the people whom I asked told the same answer,"It is under
krishnadevaraya's empire.So, not knowing where to go, I was just climbing up
the tree to reach the other world itself. Listening to this the king laughed
aloud. He excused him and ordered him to return to the court.