


~*~Tenali Ramakrishnan~*~

Early Childhood
Tenali With The King's Guard
Entry In Vijayanagar Court
Tenali The Boy Wonder
Tenali And The Magician
The Saint Who Loved Truth
Tenali's Gift
Scholar From Kashi Humbled
Tenali And The Brinjal
Around The Camp Fire
Tenali's Outspokenness
Tenali Saves His Life
A Lesson To The Greedy Pandits
Appearing With Head Concealed
Rearing A Colt
Tenali Escaped From Exile
Converts Black Dog To White
Tenali Robbing The Robberers
Tenali And The Egoistic Scholar
A Wrestler's Arrogance
Painting With A Difference
Tenali's Realistic Approach
Humiliates Rama Raja Bhushana
The Wells Wedding Invitation
Adoration To "Donkeys"
Secret Of Weaving Invisible Fabric
Tenali With The Two Thieves
Criticizing Rayulu's Composition
Tenali And Ramayana Recital
Mahabharat&Delhi Sultan's Wish
Thousand Gold Coins
Wins War Before Drawing Swords


In olden times court jesters were appointed to crack jokes and to amuse kings. Among these jesters the most famous was Tenali Ramakrishna. In any situation he had the right word and the right action to provoke the king and his courtiers to laughter..

His fame spread beyond Vijaynagar (present-day Andhra Pradesh), to areas that come in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka today. Tenali Rama was also a great scholar of several languages that included Marathi, Tamil and Kannada.

He became so famous that, if we want to praise any man's sense of humor, we call him a Tenali Ramakrishna. There are a number of incidents which relates to how Ramalinga becomes the court jester,to which am not sure which is the real occurrence.One implies its after his smartness with the kings guard, another implies its after meeting Nandi Thimmana ,and another when he challenged the magician . Therefore am writing in general and omitted as to when really Tenali Ramalinga was appointed as a court jester in the Kings court.



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