Once on a Vaikunda yekadesi day (auspicious day
of Vishnu) Goddess Saraswathy reminded Brahma to meet Lord Vishnu, his father to
seek blessings. Brahma the lord of creation out of ego refused to do so.
Saraswathy puzzled by his behavior still pleaded him to go to the abode of
Vishnu. Brahma felt he was the most powerful of the three lords and so told
Saraswathy that while naming the Trimurthys his name is uttered first.
Similarly his function of creation tops the three.Thereafter the other two lords
should meet him to get his blessings. Saraswathy warned him that his ego will
lead to serious consequences. Not heading to her advice the four headed Brahma
sat on the lotus seat with arrogance.
Lord Siva and Vishnu knew what
was happening .They believed that an ego of a creator will cause dire
consequences and therefore should be timely checked to save the universe. Both
Lords decided to visit Bhrama with a plan in mind.They meet at brahma's
residence. Seeing both Shiva and Vishnu coming to their home, Saraswathy rushes
to greet them. Brahma still remained seated ,instead of getting up and offering
the guest hospitality .Sarswathy with folded hands as a mark of respect and
devotion remarked that she and Brahma were planning to visit vishnu on this
auspicious day. Vishnu replied that they had come to seek Brahma's help to
settle a dispute. Hearing this Brahma bloated up with pride and laughingly told
Saraswathy that even the two lords need him to resolve problems.Siva and Vishnu
looked at each other in a secrecy smile and thought its the right time to bring
up the issue that they have planned. Siva told that he felt Lord Vishnu to be
the supreme power and Lord Vishnu denied that Siva is more powerful than him.
Thus who was the strongest of the two was the matter of dispute. Both declared
the other was the most powerful than himself.
When they asked Brahma's
opinion about the supreme power he laughed out of pride and declared that indeed
he was the most powerful and superior to siva and vishnu. Siva pretended to be
startled by his answer and warned Brahma of his arrogance. Siva challenged that
no one had ever seen his crown and if there is one who could then he would
indeed be the most powerful one in the universe. Brahma laughed out of ego and
challenge that why no one have attempted such an easy task up to now.And said
that he will see Siva's crown by raising himself from the ground.He challenged
Vishnu on this.And Lord Vishnu said that since he feels he is always one step
lower then Shiva therefore he will try to seek Shiva's feet for blessing.. As
the contest started ,Siva kept increasing in length as Brahma arose from the
ground. Vishnu took the form of a boar and started digging the ground to see
the feet of Siva.
Meanwhile Brahma lifted himself up to seek Siva's crown. As
he decended up and up, he began to see it was very far off.Suddenly he felt that
the journey to reach Lord Shiva's crown is very far indeed . But not giving up
he travelled far and far until he came across an object coming from the top. It
was a flower in form of a women and he asked who she was and were she was from.
Declared that she was "Thazham poo" the flower that decorates Siva's crown ,as
she had fell from the crown she is travelling towards Earth. Brahma tired of
his long travel in search of the crown asked how far was Siva's crown. She
warned Brahma that he can never see the crown because the distance is infinite.
She also calculated the time Brahma took from earth to reach that meeting point
as 1000 Brahmavarshas. One Brahmavarsha is the life span of a Human being taken
as 100 years and she had already crossed 50,000 Brahmavarshas from the crown of
lord Siva. Brahma unwilling to accept the defeat pleaded her to commit a lie
that he had seen siva's crown and traveled together with her to earth.After much
persuavasion 'Thalam Poo" agreed .Therefore Bhrama went back with Thalam Poo to
seek his victory word with Vishnu.
Vishnu took a foam of a boar ,dug deep in
the soil and successfully sought Siva's feet and touched it out of veneration.
Siva was moved by the act of Vishnu and immediately bowed down and stretched his
hands to lift lord Vishnu. Vishnu then looked up and got the vision of lord
Siva's crown.They hugged in love and respect .
After some time ,Brahma
reached with thazham poo and told Siva and Vishnu that he saw the crown.And
Thalam Poo agreed as per Bhrama's instruction.. Siva knowing the truth cursed
Brahma that due to his ego , arrogance and also for lying , he will never be
worshipped on Earth by Human beings. He also cursed thazham poo for being an
accomplish in that lie ,that she will thereafter live with snakes. And that the
"Thalam Poo" flowers will not be used in poojas or any other functions. He then
informed Brahma about Vishnu's deed of touching the feet to see the crown. He
further advised Bhrama that there is no need to to go far, for whoever touches
his feet, he will automatically bent down to them .He said in life , one must
always be humble in that way one don't need to seek god long but god himself
will come to them . The modest way of approaching to experience the divine
There is another legend which relates Brahma's not being worshipped to a
curse by the great sage Brahmarishi Bhrigu. Once a
great fire-sacrifice (yajna)
was being organised on Earth with Bhrigu being the high priest. It was decided
that the greatest among all Gods would be made the presiding deity. Bhrigu then
set off to find the greatest among the Trinity. When he went to Brahma, he
was so immersed in the music played by Saraswati
that he could hardly hear Bhrigu's calls. The enraged Bhrigu then cursed Brahma
that no person on Earth would ever invoke him or worship him again.
Although Brahma is prayed to in almost all hindu religious rites, there
are only two temples dedicated to him in India, the more prominent of which is
at Pushkar, close to Jaipur.
Once a year, on the full moon night of the Hindu lunar month of Kartika (October
- November), a religious festival is held in Brahma's honour. Thousands of
pilgrims come to bathe in the holy lake adjecent to the temple. There is also a
famous murti(image
or deity) of Brahma at Mangalwedha, 52 km from Solapur
district in Maharashtra.