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@ April 2006


*~*Did You Know*~*

                                                                                                          THE LOTUS FLOWER

1 Milk Miracle
2 The Holy Basil
3 Amla Tree
4 Why Worship Peepal
5 River Ganges
6 River Kaveri
7 River Yamuna
8 Offerings To Deities
9 The Rudraksha
10 Lighting A Lamp
11 Wearing Tilak/Pottu
12 Why Apply Viboothy
13 Why Do Pradakshina
14 Why Ring The Bell
15 Why Worship Tulsi
16 Why Blow Conch
17 The Lotus Flower
18 Why Say "Shanthi" Thrice
19 Why Offer Coconut
20 Why Chant "OM"
21 Why Do "Aarti"
22 Why Do "Abhisekha"
23 Temples In Kerala
24 Why Bhrama Is Not Worship
25 Curse Of The Moon
24 Mourning,The Vasthu Way
25 Nag Panchami
24 Satya Narayana Vrata


In India the river Kaveri has been famous since times immemorial. The Lotus is India's national flower and rightly so. Not long ago, the lakes and ponds of India were full of many hued lotuses.

The lotus is the symbol of truth, auspiciousness and beauty (satyam, shivam, sundaram). The Lord is also that nature and therefore, His various aspects are compared to a lotus(ie. lots-eyes, lotus feet, lotus hands, the lotus of heart etc.). Our scriptures ans ancient literature extol the beauty of the lotus. Art and architechture also portray the lotus in various decorative motifs and paintings. Many people have names of or related to the lotus: Padma, Pankaja, Kamal, Kamala, Kamalakshni etc. The Goddess of wealth, Lakshmi, sits on a lotus and carries one in Her hand.

The lotus blooms with the rising sun and closes at night. Similarly, our minds open up and expand with the light of knowledge. The lotus grows even in slushy areas. It remains beautiful and untainted despite its surroundings, reminding us that we too can and should strive to remain pure and beautiful within, under all circumstances. The lotus leaf never gets wet although it is always in water. It symbolises the man of wisdom (gyani who remains ever joyous, unaffected by the world of sorrow and change. The lotus posture, padmaasana is recommended when one sits for meditation.

A lotus emerged from the navel of Lord Vishnu. Lord Bhrahma originated from it to create the world. Hence, the lotus symbolises the link between the creator and the supreme Cause. It also symbolises Brahmaloka, the abode of Lord Brahma.

The auspicious sign of the swastika is said to have volved from the lotus.

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