The holy basil
plant has a very important place as per the scriptural and scientific
considerations. This is the reason why its mention has been made not only in the
scriptures and mythological tents, but also in the Ayurvedic texts. The holy
Bail is as holy as Lord Vishnu, because she is also known as Vishnupriya,
Vishnukanta and Keshavpriya. The holy basil originated from the hairs of
Tulsi who in her previous life was blessed by Lord Narayan.
to the mythological point of view, a place is considered to be the most sacred
pilgrimage where exists the holy basil plant. This is the reason why every Hindu
tries to have it in the house. Women have been worshipping it with the desire
for good fortune and well beings of her lineage.
It is believed that
the lord of death does not dare to enter a place, where exists a holy basil
plant. Worshipping god with the new sprout of basil plants give salvation. Such
a man is freed from the cycles of birth and death. Even the deities are desirous
of attaining salvation, with the help of basil plant.Taking bath with water,
in which basil leaves have been mixed, gives virtues similar to that of all the
The deities and all the places of pilgrimages have their
dwelling places in whole of the basil-plant from its root to the shade. Any
ceremony, which is performed in the vicinity of a basil plant, enables a man to
attain salvation and God.
Even the soil underneath the holy basil plant
is of such great importance, that if it is applied on the forehead, all the sins
of a man gets destroyed and he attains happiness, prosperity and
benediction.Wearing a string of beads consisting of basil-seeds makes a man free
from the fears of death. If chanting is done with the help of basil beads, then
it helps in the attainment of accomplishment.
The use of the leaves of
holy basil in the ceremonies like Shraddh and Tarpan gives indestructible
virtues to the dead ancestors. The tradition of offering the leaves of basil
plant, to the person approaching death has been continuing since time
immemorial. This act of offering basil-leaves terrifies the messenger of Yama
and helps the person is attaining to the abode of Lord Vishnu, after his
death.If the last rite of a dead person is performed in the wood of basil
plant, it helps his soul to attain to the abode of Lord Vishnu. Not only this,
if even a single wood of basil plant is kept on the burning pyre then all the
sins of that person get destroyed.
Although the use of stale flower
and stale water is prohibited in the worship but this is not applicable to the
leaves of basil plant, however there are some days on which selection of basil
leaves are prohibited - Sunday, last day of dark lunar phase (Amavasya), twelfth
day of every Hindu month (Dwadashi), Sanskranti and till the three hours after
mid night. Therefore the leaves should be collected, well before the above
mentioned days and times.
The holy basil, which is also called Tulsi in
India, its birth and marriage ceremony is celebrated in the Hindu month of
Kartik every year. This celebration gives great virtues and benediction.The holy
basil has the same importance in the Ayurvedic field as it has in the spiritual
and religious fields. It has miraculous curatory effects on numerous physical
and mental ailments.
The holy basil plant keeps away the germs capable of
causing diseases from its vicinity. It also helps in the purification of mind by
purifying the whole atmosphere around it. This pure atmosphere helps us to
attain physical and mental health.
All the parts of holy basil plant such
as leaves, sprout, stem, soil underneath the plant have great medicinal