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@ April 2006


*~*Did You Know*~*

                                                                                                          WHY SAY "SHAANTHI" THRICE

1 Milk Miracle
2 The Holy Basil
3 Amla Tree
4 Why Worship Peepal
5 River Ganges
6 River Kaveri
7 River Yamuna
8 Offerings To Deities
9 The Rudraksha
10 Lighting A Lamp
11 Wearing Tilak/Pottu
12 Why Apply Viboothy
13 Why Do Pradakshina
14 Why Ring The Bell
15 Why Worship Tulsi
16 Why Blow Conch
17 The Lotus Flower
18 Why Say "Shanthi" Thrice
19 Why Offer Coconut
20 Why Chant "OM"
21 Why Do "Aarti"
22 Why Do "Abhisekha"
23 Temples In Kerala
24 Why Bhrama Is Not Worship
25 Curse Of The Moon
24 Mourning,The Vasthu Way
25 Nag Panchami
24 Satya Narayana Vrata


In India the river Kaveri has been famous since times immemorial. Shaanti, meaning 'peace', is a natural state of being. Disturbances are created either by others or us. For example, peace already exists in a place until someone male noise. Therefore, peace underlies all our agitations. When agitations end, peace is naturally experienced since it is already there. Where there is peace, there is happiness. Therefore, everyone without exception desires peace in his/her life. However, peace within or without seems very hard to attain because it is covered by our own agitations. A rare few manage to remain peaceful within even in the midst of external agitation and troubles. To invoke peace, we chant prayers. By chanting prayers, troubles end and peace is experienced internally, irrespective of the external disturbances. All such prayers end by the chanting shaanti thrice.

It is believed that trivaram satyam - that which is said thrice comes true. For emphasizing a point we repeat a thing thrice. In the court of law also, on who takes the witness stand says, "I shall speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth". We chant shaanti thrice to emphasize our intense desire for peace. All obstacles, problems and sorrows originate three sources: Aadhidaivika: The unseen divine forces over which we have little or no control like earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions etc. Aadhibautika: the known factors around us like accidents, human contacts, pollution, crime etc. Aadhyaatmika: Problems of our bodies and minds like diseases, anger, frustrations etc.

We sincerely pray to the Lord that at least while we undertake special tasks or even in our daily lives, there are no problems or that, problems are minimized from the three sources written about above. May peace alone prevail. Hence shaanti is chanted thrice.

It is chanted aloud the first time, addressing the unseen forces. It is chanted softer the second time, directed to our immediate surroundings and those around, and softest the last time as it is addressed to oneself.


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