The Faithful Shepherd-Folktales From Bengal
once lived a prince whose friend was a shepherd.They spent a great deal of time
together,playing and romping about.Then ,one day came whereby the prince had to
leave to study and be trained.The two friends bade each other farewell.
years flew by,the shepherd never made another friend.He waited for the prince
return.One day the shepherd heard that the prince had come back and is to be
married to Princess Kanakmala.
shepherd was happy.At last he can meet his friend.He waited as usual for his
friends visit.Many months passed, but the prince did not turn up. The shepherd
than decided that he would pay a visit to his best friend.While the shepherd
was gathering flowers to take to his friend,the prince was being crowned at the
palace. When the shepherd arrived, there were many people waiting outside to
see the newly crowned king and queen. After some time ,the King out. The
shepherd quickly stepped forward and call out .But the king walked past the
shepherd without even glancing at him .
shepherd rushed towards the king calling My friend, but the guards held the
shepherd back.The shepherd went away quietly with tears in his eyes.
night,the king could not sleep.He was troubled by his conscience. The king had
ignored the shepherd thinking that the shepherd had come to take advantage
of a childhood friendship.He felt that he
should not encourage the shepherd. But now,he felt that he should not have sent
him away and felt bad on the way the guards had treated his friend.But he
managed to justify himself and quieten his conscience.
the king woke up the next day morning,he found his body covered with millions
and millions of needles.He cried out in pain and called out Kanakmala .Kanakmala
started plucking out the needles one by one.But soon she realized that it was a
hopeless task.Very soon, the entire kingdom came to know about the kings
plight.People came in hundreds and tried in vain to pull out the needles .But
Kanakmala didnt give up hope.She pulled out the needles
one by one until her hands started to bleed.
The king advised Kanakmala to take a dip in the river.When Kanakmala refused
the king insisted.
Kanakmala did as was advised. When she
reached the river,a young girl approached
her.She wanted to be the Queens maid as she has no one .The queen agreed as
she needed help to pluck the needles on the kings body.The maid
agreed.Kanakmala had just got into the river when she
heard an arrogant voice.It was the maid.She had changed into
Kanakmalas clothing and ornaments. When Kanakmala ordered the girl to disrobe
herself the girl only laughed.As Kanakmala was a bride she usually wore a
veil.Only three persons could have recognized her.One ,her husband and the
other two, the old king and the
queen.As the old king and queen have gone away on a pilgrimage and her
husbands eyes sewn with needles, no one else can identify her as the queen.
The queen than had no choice but to follow
the girl as she wanted to be near her husband.But on reaching the palace the
impostor locked the door to the kings room.She didnt allow Kanakmala to pull
out the needles from his body instead the impostor made Kanakmala work hard all
day long.That evening ,Kanakmala went to the river and cried her heart
out.Suddenly,she heard a man singing.It was a funny song,
If I had a hundred needles
I would buy a crown
If I had a thousand needles
I would buy a town
pricked her ears and wondered who was singing.She searched for the owner of the voice as the song
keep repeating.It was none other than the
shepherd.Kanakmala offered him a billion needles .if he is willing to pluck
himself from the kings body then he can have it.The shepherd silently followed
Kanakmala.Kanakmala took him to the side window of the palace. She asked him to
get through the window as the kings room is locked. The shepherd then began to
climb a nearby tree and entered the kings room .Inside the room ,the shepherd
took out a thread from his pocket and began to chant.The next moment ,the
thread swung out and threading itself through the eyes of the needles and
pulled them all out at one stroke.
king awoke and saw it was none other then his friend.The king embraced the
shepherd .The shepherd was happy and asked whether the king still remembered
him.The king was ashamed of himself and asked whether the shepherd had cursed
him with needles in his body.But the shepherd denied.It was the kings own
conscience which punished the king .Anyways the king was happy that the
incident had brought the shepherd to him.
the courtiers were puzzled to find the kings door locked.They managed to open
the door and entered the room .Hearing the noise in the room,the impostor queen
came running in.The king was shocked to see someone else in Kanakmalas
clothing.He immediately demanded where was Kanakmala .Trembling all over,the
impostor went to fetch Kanakmala.The king and the shepherd followed her.The
wicked impostor was banished from the kingdom and the king and queen lived
happily ever after ,with the faithful
shepherd to serve them .