



::How Akbar Met Birbal::

1 The Story Of The 16 Mondays
2 Bawan Ganga
3 Vermilion and Marriage
4 The Two Friends
5 The Faithful Prince
6 The Lord Of Death
7 Mother&Daughter And Sun
8 The Ruby Prince
9 Nagarani-"Serpent Queen"
10 Who Is The Greatest
11 The Princess Of 7 Jasmines
12 Muddanna
13 The Magician&His Disciple
14 Hanchi
15 Supreme Knowledge
16 Peppo Catches A Deer
17 The Clever Villager
18 Two Brothers
19 Thugsen
20 The Rainbow Prince
21 The Faithful Shepherd
22 Akhbar And Birbal
23 How Akbar Met Birbal
24 Birbal Is Born
25 Birbal Caught A Thief
26 Journey To Paradise
27 Birbal Identifies The Guest
28 The Noblest Beggar
29 The Royal Gardener
30 Birbal Helps An Astrologer
31 Birbal Helps A Pandit
32 The Three Questions
33 Just One Question
34 The Dearest Object
35 Birbal's Visit To Burma
36 Birbal Is Brief
37 A Tree Of Puries
38 Jethwa And Ujali
39 The Zamindar And The Dagger
40 The Worthy Daughter
41 The Clever Wife


Akbar loved hunting and used to escape  to go for hunting even from his studies. Well, later he became a better rider and hunter than any one of his courtiers. One day when Akbar went for hunting, he and some of the courtiers went so fast that they left the others behind. As the evening fell, everybody got very hungry and thirsty, they found that they had lost their way and now did not know where to go.

At last they came to a junction of three roads. King was very happy to see the roads that now he could go reach his capital through one of these roads, but which road was to go to his capital - Agra. They were all thinking about it and could not decide it. In the mean time they saw a young boy coming along one road. The boy was summoned and Akbar asked him, "Hey young boy! Which road goes to Agra?" The boy smiled and spoke, "Huzoor! everybody knows that road cannot move so how these roads can go to Agra or anywhere else?" and laughed  at his own joke.

Everybody was silent, didn't say a word. The boy said again, "People travel, not the roads. Do they?"  Emperor laughed at this and said, "No, you are right."  The Emperor asked again, "What is your name, young boy?" "Mahesh Das" The boy replied and asked the Emperor, "And who are you Huzoor? What is your name?" The Emperor took out his Ring and gave it to the boy. "You are talking to Emperor Akbar - the King of Hindustan (India). We need feerless people like you. You come to the court, with this Ring I will recognize you immediately. Now tell me the way to get to Agra. We have to reach there soon?" Mahesh Das bowing lowly pointed towards the road going to Agra, and the King headed on that road. That is how the Emperor Akbar met the future Birbal.




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