(Ancient Stories)
Arya-Varta was ruled
by a king named Chitravarma. Chitravarma and his wife has six sons. They were
great devotees of Lord Shiva. Chitravarma longed for a daughter. So the couple
decided to pray Lord Shiva to bless them with a baby girl. They were fortuned by
a girl. They performed a special worship for Lord Shiva in the temple and
ordered a community feast for all the people in his kingdom. The king and the
queen named their daughter Seemanthini.
Horoscope predictions
Like other anxious parents they called in the astrologers to make the girl's
horoscope. The astrologers indicated that Seemathini would live a long happy
life along with her husband. The king was overjoyed and gave them wealth. In the
mean time a great 'Jangama' entered the palace and addressed the king that his
daughter would be a widow at the age of fourteen. The king and the queen were in
great sorrow to hear this painful news. But fate decides it's own destiny and
the inevitable cannot be changed.
Meanwhile Seemanthini grew up in the tender care of her parents. She was
caressed in the loving atmoshpere created by her loved ones. She reached the
marriageable age of twelve years. Her parents started to search her a suitable
bridegroom. Seemanthini overheard her parents conveying that she would be a
widow at the age of fourteen. Seemanthini felt distressed but choose to remain
Maithreyi, the wife of Maha Rishi Yajnavalkya, had been invited to
Chitravarma's palace. Seemanthini devulged her inner feelings and her long kept
secret. She also asked her obtain a way to prevent her from being a widow.
Maithreyi adviced Seemanthini to observe 'Vrata' with great intense devotion.
The 'Vrata' is worshipping Lord Shiva for sixteen mondays (sola somwars) during
the time of 'Pradosha'. She then specified her the procedure for the vrata and
then left for her ashram.
Sola somwar vrata
Seemanthini started the process of sixteen monday vrata as assisted by
Maithreyi. She would wake up early in the morning and after taking a bath she
would worship Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva. She did this with sincere devotion
during the 'Pradosh Kala' and fasted till she finished her praying. She did this
continuously and would meditate on Lord Shiva.
In the due course of time, King Chitrvarma searched for a suitable match for
his daughter. King Indrasena of Nishada city had a son Chandrangada. Both kings
decided that their offsprings would make a deserving couple. An auspicious date
was set for their marriage. King Chitravarma celebrated the wedding of his only
daughter with a lot of zeal and grandeur. The couple stayed together.
Seemanthini was very happy.
Chandrangada's disappearance
Chandrangada had gone to have fun on the banks of the Yamuna river. He got
entangled in a whirlpool and was completely captivated. The news reached the
king. He along with the navigators marched in search of Chandrangada. But all
the efforts were drained. There was no trace of Chandrangada or his body. The
king was in great dispair. He felt that the predictions of the 'Jangama' came
Seemanthini's sorrow
When Seemanthini was alerted with this news she could barely stand it and fell
unconscious. Despite all her vratas and affection towards Lord Shiva she still
lost her husband. She was very much in grief and disbelief. Maithreyi was there
to persuade and calm her. She also aksed Seemanthini not to take any drastic
step. Maithreyi was there as a strong force. Maithreyi informed Seemanthini that
Lord Shiva will not do injustice with her.
The last rites of Chandrangada was performed. Indrasena and his wife felt
very dejected and anguished by this incident. They neglected their Kingdom. This
became the perfect opportunity for the neighbouring king to defeat Indrasena. He
kept Indrasena and his wife arrested and imprisioned in a cellar.
Chandrangada and the Naga Loka
Meanwhile Chandrangada who was captivated in the Yamuna River was picked up by
the Naga Kanyas. They took him to 'Naga Loka' where he was given the ambrosia (amrut
the potion of life). When Chandrangada woke up, he was taken to the Naga King
Takshaka. Chandrangada was astound to see such an exquisite and elegant place.
King of Naga enquired about Chandrangada and offered him to stay with them.
Chandragada thanked the king for his invitation but expressed his worried
feelings and sad separation from his beloved wife and old parents. And requested
him to take him to 'Bhuloka'. So the king sent Chandrangada along with his son
and Naga soldiers to guard him.
Seemanthini was taking bath with her friends at the banks of the river. Both
Seemanthini and Chandrangada came face to face. Seemanthini denied the thoughts
of Chandrangada being her husband. But Seemanthini recognized his voice and was
assured that he was her husband. She gave all the credit to shiva and his vratas.
Chandrangada along with his Naga friend and soldiers won back his kingdom of
Nishada. He also set free his parents who were held captives.
Meanwhile Seemanthini wore peetambhar (yellow silk saree) put on her mangal
sutra and also applied kumkum (red color powder) on her forehead, she has
sustained from wearing all these when her husband was drowned. She looked very
beautiful with all her ornaments. Chitrvarma greeted Chandrangada.
King Indrasena did the coronation of his son Chandrangada. Chandrangada and his
wife henceforth became divinely inclined to Lord Shiva.