



::Folktales From Kerala::

1 The Story Of The 16 Mondays
2 Bawan Ganga
3 Vermilion and Marriage
4 The Two Friends
5 The Faithful Prince
6 The Lord Of Death
7 Mother&Daughter And Sun
8 The Ruby Prince
9 Nagarani-"Serpent Queen"
10 Who Is The Greatest
11 The Princess Of 7 Jasmines
12 Muddanna
13 The Magician&His Disciple
14 Hanchi
15 Supreme Knowledge
16 Peppo Catches A Deer
17 The Clever Villager
18 Two Brothers
19 Thugsen
20 The Rainbow Prince
21 The Faithful Shepherd
22 Akhbar And Birbal
23 How Akbar Met Birbal
24 Birbal Is Born
25 Birbal Caught A Thief
26 Journey To Paradise
27 Birbal Identifies The Guest
28 The Noblest Beggar
29 The Royal Gardener
30 Birbal Helps An Astrologer
31 Birbal Helps A Pandit
32 The Three Questions
33 Just One Question
34 The Dearest Object
35 Birbal's Visit To Burma
36 Birbal Is Brief


The Clever Villager-Folktales From Kerala

Once there lived a king named Bhim Raj. He used to boast of himself. He often asked his ministers to describe his greatness. So some ministers would appreciate him. They had no other way.

King Bhim Raj had a peculiar habit. He always used to confuse his ministers and courtiers by asking the question, "Then?" If anybody narrated an incident the king would immediately ask, "Then?"
One day the king told his ministers, "Let us hold a contest. This is a challenge. The one who can stop me from asking, "Then?" and proves his intelligence shall have my throne and kingdom". The ministers agreed and a date was fixed for the contest.

On the appointed day the ministers, nobles and common villagers gathered in the palace. The king announced, "The contest will commence now. Anybody can come forward and answer my question, "Then?" Many ministers and nobles tried to fulfill the conditions in various ways but failed miserably. At last a villager named Gopu Came forward. He started his story.
Gopu: "Your Majesty! Long long ago near a lake in Alipuram, was a big Sal tree".
King asked: Then?"
Gopu said, "Its leafy branches spread out like strong arms."
King: "Then?"
Gopu: "The tree was the home of a flock of wild geese"
King: "Then?"
Gopu: "Corns were scattered everywhere underneath the tree".
King: "Then?"
Gopu: "The geese used to fly down and peck at the corns and fly back to the tree."
King: "Then?"
Gopu repeated the same answer and the king went on repeating "Then?" This went on for hours. Finally the king was tired and exhausted. He understood that this villager was clever and wise.
King Bhim Raj made Gopu sit on the throne and placed his crown on Gopu's head. Thus a mere villager, who was clever, became the king and ruled the country.




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