



~*~Folk Tales And Legends~*~

The Story Of The 16 Mondays
Bawan Ganga
Vermilion and Marriage
The Two Friends
The Faithful Prince
The Lord Of Death
Mother&Daughter And Sun
The Ruby Prince
Nagarani-"Serpent Queen"
Who Is The Greatest
The Princess Of 7 Jasmines
The Magician&His Disciple
Supreme Knowledge
Peppo Catches A Deer
The Clever Villager
Two Brothers
The Rainbow Prince
The Faithful Shepherd
Akhbar And Birbal
How Akbar Met Birbal
Birbal Is Born
Birbal Caught A Thief
Journey To Paradise
Birbal Identifies The Guest
The Noblest Beggar
The Royal Gardener
Birbal Helps An Astrologer
Birbal Helps A Pandit
The Three Questions
Just One Question
The Dearest Object
Birbal's Visit To Burma
Birbal Is Brief
A Tree Of Puries
Jethwa And Ujali
The Zamindar And The Dagger
The Worthy Daughter
The Clever Wife


India has a long and varied history, and its people are of most diverse origin and of different religious traditions. As might be expected, the folklore of India reflects this diversity of history and population. Several old literary collections of tales have been popular among the population for centuries.

Folk tales, like other genres of folklore of any society, reflect emotions, needs, conflicts and other aspects of human psyche that people acquire as a result of growing up in a specific culture. Folk tales are probably the most crystallised and apt expression of human thoughts. The study of folk tales prevalent in a society helps to understand the common universal elements on the one hand and certain characteristic traits specific to that society on the other.

 Different kinds of folk tales have different effects on people. Years ago, when learning from written sources was less common, folk tales, with their hidden moral values and lesson, functioned as the promoters of personal development and socialisation of the people of India. Panchtantra and Fatak Katha illustrate this quite well.

On these pages there are folktales around India like Bihar, Punjab etc.Of course since the Panchatantra is very large in content have created a separate page for it .




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