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An Entire Site full of Stories and Folktales! A vast treasure trove of Indian Folktales and Animal Tales is yours for the sampling. Meet Raman at his wittiest best and the smartness of the vettala. There are Panchatantra Tales, Fairy tales,saints and poets of India- stories which have a moral and impart values. Laugh at the Humorous stories and enjoy the tales from this beautiful land and do not forget to delve into Mythological stories, too.
@April 2006

1 Mythological Stories
2 Vikram & Vettala Stories
3 Raman Of Tenali
4 Panchatantra
5 Saints And Poets
6 Great Devotees
7 Folktales And Legends
8 Tales from Epics/Vedas
9 Indian Fairy Tales

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Vikramadityan & Vettala
Raman Of Tenali
Mythological Tales


Raman Of


Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world .The history of Hindus dates back 5000 years ago.Hindus believe that their religion is without beginning or end - it is a continuos process even preceding the existence of the written word.
The word HINDU was derived from the name originally given to the people settled on the River Sindhu.It was changed to Hindu by foreign visitors and thus the faith of the Hindus was given the name "Hinduism" in the English Language.


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