
*~*Great Devotees*~*

Pon Anaiyal
Appoothi Adigal
King Kumanan


India is no lacking with its saints and poets, as well as its devotees .Most devotees are greatly known for their poetic works. In this page there are a few devotees which plays a big role in increasing the devotion towards god.

The story of Sudama is described in the Bhagwat Purana, an ancient scripture of the Hindus. He was a poor Brahmin but a great friend and devotee of Krishna.Here we see how Krishna helps his friend in more ways that we could imagine.

Prahlada, as the Bhagavatha text declares, was rooted in faith in Lord Narayana and His universal absolute reality. Hence he was in Bliss Ananda wherever he was and whatever the set of circumstances. The very name Prahlada has ananda soaked in it. Halada means ananda and prefix pra means that Ananda which is full. Prahlada means Full Bliss - a person who is full of ananda. How could he attain that state? He gave up attachment to his name and form and sought the atma as the only reality and identified that reality with Narayana.The mythological story of Prahlad, is described in Vishnu Puran as the fourth incarnation of Vishnu, Nara-simhavatar and a great devotee of Maha Vishnu.

Hanuman is the monkey deity renowned for his courage, power and faithful, selfless service.Some say Hanuman was born as the son of the King and Queen of the Monkeys. To others, he is the son of Anjana, an female Apsara who had been transformed into a monkey by a curse, and Vayu, the wind god. It is also said that from his father Vayu, Hanuman received the ability to fly.A great devotee of Rama ,the seventh avatara of Maha Vishnu,Hanuman plays a very important role in the Ramayana.

Likewise there are more stories of great devotees to read on this page ,hope you enjoy it.

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