Princess Chandraprabha of Kusmavathy
was a joy to behold .Her beauty was like moonlight on still waters. One spring
afternoon, the princess decided to take a stroll along the city garden. The
maid instructed the guards to clear the path so take the princess would not be
Anyway, a young Brahmin ,Manaswi was
passing through the city,decided to take a rest at a large flowering scrub in
the garden.
Suddenly he heard voices, he turned
from his sitting position to see guards making ways for the princess and her
maids.Manaswi instantly held his breath seeing the princess beauty.Without
realizing he came out from his hidden place and stared at the princesss
gracefulness and beauty.The princess too then saw Manaswi and stood rooted to
the spot.Her companions began to retreat in confusion. The princess was
attracted to Manaswi and so was Manaswi.
As they stood gazing at each other,without knowing they felt dizzy and
fainted.The princess s companions rushed to her side and sprinkle some water
on her,they revived her and helped her into the palanquin and soon were on
their way home.
Meanwhile Manaswi had fallen into even deeper swoon and was revived by two passer
by , named Muladeva and Sashi. Both had learn occult sciences.After
Muladevas persisted insistence , Manaswi told what had happened.Muladeva
decided to help Manaswi.
Muladeva took Manaswi to his
house.There he prepared two pellet with herbs and powders.
He then gave one pellet to Manaswi. He
then advised Manaswi to put the pellet into
his mouth but do not swallow it .Manaswi followed as instructed.
Suddenly he turned into a beautiful girl . Muladeva then put the second pellet
into his own mouth and turned into an old man.Muladeva then told Manaswi that
if he takes out the pellet from his mouth he will be back to his natural form
.The changes will only occur as and when the pill is in the mouth.Manaswi was
rather hesitant with whats happening
but followed as per Muladevas instructions.Then Muladeva took Manaswi
to the princess palace.
Both of them entered into the gates, in
the audience hall.There the old man (Muladeva) informed the king that he had
gone to a neighboring village .As per
his return he saw that his daughter in law was alone and his wife and son had
gone missing after their village was
hit by flood .
Now that he wants to go in search of
his wife and son , he wants to leave his daughter in law in a safe place .What
better place then the kings palace. The King
Subichar agreed in fear if he refuse the old man would curse him and his
kingdom.The king ordered Manaswi to be his daughters ,the princess companion
and share her bed-chamber. What more could be more pleasing then hearing this
for Manaswi .Manaswi was called Sita.
That night, as they were both together
in the bed chamber, Manaswi saw the princess Chandraparbha s face in sadness.
Chandraparabha then told him of the incident of how she meet a young man in the
garden . Hearing this, Manaswi removed the pallet from his mouth and changed
into his true form .Chandraparabha was happy.
Manaswi and Chandraprabha became man
and wife by performing the simple rite of exchanging garlands.They kept it
closely a guarded secret.The days were spent in happiness playing girl-hood
past time like in swing and laughing . At night, Manaswi would turn into the
man that he was and pay court to his beautiful princess. In this way 6 months
passed.Chandraprabha began to get anxious that some one would find out the
truth.Chandraprabha was right in foreseeing complications.
One day , while attending a marriage
,the ministers son saw Sita(who was in a girls form then) and could not get
her out of his mind. He felt badly in wanting to marry her.His father ,the
minister opposed the request to marry the girl with his son since she is
already a married woman. As days passed, the ministers son was taken ill. His
health was worsen by the day thinking of the girl that he had seen in the
marriage. Seeing his sons disorder state of mind against his better judgment
went to the king .he begged the king to allow his son to marry the girl.The
king refused the ministers request point blank. As the ministers sons health
began deteriorating and this then
caused serious concern in court circles.The older ministers called a council
meeting and discussed the issue.
The king betrayed more then a little
displeasure at being reminded of the matter.But they caution the king that the
ministers health also is failing due to his son.The king was concerned and
summoned his trusted advisor.
Seeing that the affairs of the kingdom
comes first and the minister is someone which is indispensable to the
country,the advisor advised the King to get the misnisters son married to the
girl he desire.Furthermore it has been some time now and still the old man had
not come to claim the daughter-in-law.What if the old man never returns?
Therefore they is no harm in getting her married to another man.
The king agreed .He summoned Manaswi
(who was in a girls form) of the courts decision.Manaswi didnt know what to
do.How could he marry the ministers son . Should he tell the truth? If he did,
then he might be punished severely. Thinking thus , he got an idea.
He informed the king, that since the
ministers son is of lower caste to her he should go on a pilgrimage before
he weds her.Manaswi hoped it would give him some time to think what to do
next.But things were not destined to go smoothly
, for the ministers son insisted he should get married to the
girl first before he starts on his pilgrimage.
Finally the marriage too place and
Manaswi(Sita) entered his new home with her husband. The ministers son then
started on the pilgrimage.The days passed for Manaswi pleasantly whereby she
was the perfect bride.Manaswi by then had worked out a plan but needed to wait
for the return of the ministers son to implement it.
The long-awaited day arrive, the
ministers son returned.Manswi removed the pallet from his mouth
and ran to Muladeva seeking help. He
explained what had happened.Muladeva felt angry with Manaswi for the things
which had taken place. Now he wonders whether does Manaswi really loves
Chandraprabha .If he did then why did he deserted Chandraprabha and get married
with the ministers son? He should have admit the truth or should have left
with Chandraprabha.
He felt Manaswi should be taught a
lesson. He called Sashi and ask him to follow him to the palace. Muladeva took
the pallet and changed himself into the
old man again. He and Sashi then left to the palace.
The king upon seeing the old man felt
uneasy .
"Great king," replied the priest, "I went to seek after my son, and
having found him, I bring him to your majesty. Give him his wife,
and I will take them both home with me.''The king after being hard
pushed,related everything that had happened.
"What is this that you have done?" cried Muldeva, simulating
excessive anger and astonishment. "Why have you given my son's
wife in marriage to another man? You have done what you wished,
and now, therefore, receive my Shrap (curse)!"
The poor Raja, in great trepidation, said, "O Vivinity! be not thus
angry! I will do whatever you bid me."
Said Muldeva, "If through dread of my excommunication you will
freely give whatever I demand of you, then marry your daughter,
Chandraprabha, to this my son(Shashi). On this condition I forgive you. To
me, now a necklace of pearls and a venomous krishna (cobra
capella); the most powerful enemy and the kindest friend, the most
precious gem and a clod of earth; the softest bed and the hardest
stone; a blade of grass and the loveliest woman--are precisely the
same. All I desire is that in some holy place, repeating the name of
God, I may soon end my days."
Subichar, terrified by this additional show of sanctity, at once
summoned an astrologer, and fixed upon the auspicious moment
and lunar influence. He did not consult the princess, and had he
done so she would not have resisted his wishes. The
Brahman's son receiving in due time the
princess and her dowry, took leave of the king and returned to his
own village.
Sita waxed weary of being Sita, took the ball out
of her mouth, and became Manaswi in her inlaws house. Alas for the infidelity of
mankind! But it is gratifying to reflect that he met with the
punishment that he deserved.
Meanwhile one night the magic pill slipped down his throat. When morning
dawned, being unable to change himself into Sita, Manaswi was
obliged to escape through a window from the lady
Subhagya-Sundari's room. He sprained his ankle with the leap, and
he lay for a time upon the ground.Presently they found
out that Sita, had one night mysteriously
disappeared from the grand treasurer's house, and had not been
heard of since that time.
Hardly, however, had Chandraprabha been married to Shashi the
Pandit, when Manaswi went to him, and began to wrangle, and
said, "Give me my wife!" He had recovered from the effects of his
fall, and having lost her he therefore loved her--very dearly.
But Shashi proved by reference to the astrologers, priests, and ten
persons as witnesses, that he had duly wedded her, and brought her
to his home; "therefore," said he, "she is my spouse."
Manaswi swore by all holy things that he had been legally married
to her, and that he was the father of her child that was about to be.
"How then," continued he, "can she be thy spouse?" He would
have summoned Muldeva as a witness, but that worthy, after
remonstrating with him, disappeared. He called upon
Chandraprabha to confirm his statement, but she put on an
innocent face, and indignantly denied ever having seen the man.
Still, continued the Baital, many people believed Manaswi's story,
as it was marvellous and incredible. Even to the present day, there
are many who decidedly think him legally married to the daughter
of Raja Subichar.
"Then they are pestilent fellows!" cried the warrior king Vikram,
who hated nothing more than clandestine and runaway matches.
"No one knew that the villain, Manaswi, was the father of her
child; whereas, the Pandit Shashi married her lawfully, before
witnesses, and with all the ceremonies.She therefore
remains his wife, and the child will perform the funeral obsequies
for him, and offer water to the manes of his pitris (ancestors). At
least, so say law and justice."
Came the answer.The king had spoken wisely and rightly
once again, and the vettala laughing ,escaped once more.