In the great
city of Bhogavati , once upon a time, a young prince by the name of Raja Ram
had an old father. He was fond of hunting, dicing, sleeping by day, drinking at
night, and eating perpetual tonics, while he delighted in the idleness of
watching nautch girls, and the vanity of falling in love. But he was adored by
his children because he took the trouble to win their hearts.
When the old king became air mixed with
air, the young king, though he found hardly ten pieces of silver in the
paternal treasury and legacies for thousands of golden ounces, yet mourned his
loss with the deepest grief. He easily explained to himself the reckless
emptiness of the royal coffers as a proof of his dear kind parent's goodness,
because he loved him.
But the old
man had left behind him, as he could not carry it off with him, a treasure more
valuable than gold and silver: one Churaman, a parrot, who knew the world, and
who besides discoursed in the most correct Sanscrit. By sage counsel and wise
guidance this admirable bird soon repaired his young master's shattered
One day the
prince said, "Parrot, thou knowest everything: tell me where there is a
mate fit for me. The shastras inform us, respecting the choice of a wife, 'She
who is not descended from his paternal or maternal ancestors within the sixth
degree is eligible by a high caste man for nuptials. In taking a wife let him
studiously avoid the following families, be they ever so great, or ever so rich.
Let a person choose for his wife a girl whose person has no defect; who has an
agreeable name; who walks gracefully, like a young elephant; whose hair and
teeth are moderate in quantity and in size; and whose body is of exquisite
king," responded the parrot Churaman, "there is in the country of
Magadh a Raja, Magadheshwar by name, and he has a daughter called Chandravati.
You will marry her; she is very learned, and, what is better far, very fait.
She is of yellow colour, with a nose like the flower of the sesamum; her legs
are taper, like the plantain-tree; her eyes are large, like the principal leaf
of the lotus; her eye-brows stretch towards her ears; her lips are red, like
the young leaves of the mango-tree; her face is like the full moon; her voice
is like the sound of the cuckoo; her arms reach to her knees; her throat is
like the pigeon's; her flanks are thin, like those of the lion; her hair hangs
in curls only down to her waist; her teeth are like the seeds of the
pomegranate; and her gait is that of the drunken elephant or the goose."
On hearing
the parrot's speech, the king sent for an astrologer, and asked him, "Whom
shall I marry?" The wise man, having consulted his art, replied,
"Chandravati is the name of the maiden, and your marriage with her will
certainly take place." Thereupon the young Raja, though he had never seen
his future queen, became incontinently enamoured of her. He summoned a Brahman,
and sent him to King Magadheshwar, saying, "If you arrange satisfactorily
this affair of our marriage we will reward you amply"-a promise which lent
wings to the priest.
Now it so
happened that this talented and beautiful princess had a jay,(a maina) whose
name was Madan-manjari or Love-garland. She also possessed encyclopaedic knowledge
after her degree, and, like the parrot, she spoke excellent Sanscrit.
One day the
charming Princess Chandravati was sitting in confidential conversation with her
jay. The dialogue was not remarkable, for maidens in all ages seldom consult
their confidantes or speculate upon the secrets of futurity, or ask to have
dreams interpreted, except upon one subject. At last the princess said, for
perhaps the hundredth time that month, "Where, O jay, is there a husband
worthy of me?"
replied Madan-manjari, "I am happy at length to be able as willing to
satisfy your just curiosity. For just it is, though the delicacy of our sex
"Now, no
preaching!" said the maiden; "or I shall give you salt instead of
sugar for supper."
"I now
see clearly the ways of Fortune. Raja Ram, king of Bhogavati, is to be thy
husband. He shall be happy in thee and thou in him, for he is young and
handsome, rich and generous, good-tempered, not too clever, and without a
chance of being an invalid."
Thereupon the
princess, although she had never seen her future husband, at once began to love
him. In fact, though neither had set eyes upon the other, both were mutually in
Now, as both
these young people were of princely family and well to do in the world, the course
of their love was unusually smooth. When the Brahman sent by Raja Ram had
reached Magadh, and had delivered his King's homage to the Raja Magadheshwar,
the latter received him with distinction, and agreed to his proposal. The
beautiful princess's father sent for a Brahman of his own, and charging him
with nuptial gifts and the customary presents, sent him back to Bhogavati in
company with the other envoy, and gave him this order, "Greet Raja Ram, on
my behalf, and after placing the tilak or mark upon his forehead, return here
with all speed. When you come back I will get all things ready for the
Raja Ram, on
receiving the deputation, was greatly pleased, and after generously rewarding
the Brahmans and making all the necessary preparations, he set out in state for
the land of Magadha, to claim his betrothed.
In due season
the ceremony took place with feasting and bands of music, fireworks and
illuminations, rehearsals of scripture, songs, entertainments, processions, and
abundant noise -he had not lived long in the house - and receiving the dowry
and the bridal gifts, set out for his own country.
was dejected by leaving her mother, and therefore she was allowed to carry with
her the jay, Madanmanian. She soon told her husband the wonderful way in which
she had first heard his name, and he related to her the advantage which he had
derived from confabulation with Churaman, his parrot.
Then they
decided to marry both the birds and put them in one cage.
without consulting the parties chiefly concerned in their scheme, the master
and mistress, after being comfortably settled at the end of their journey,
caused a large cage to be brought, and put into it both their favourites.
Upon which
Churaman the parrot leaned his head on one side and directed a peculiar look at
the jay. But Madan- manjari showed no interest. "Perhaps," quoth the
parrot, at length breaking silence, "you will tell me that you have no
desire to be married?"
replied the jay.
why?" asked the male bird.
I don't choose," replied the female.
"Truly a
feminine form of resolution this," ejaculated the parrot. "I will
borrow my master's words and call it a woman's reason, that is to say, no
reason at all. Have you any objection to be more explicit?"
whatever," retorted the jay, provoked by the rude innuendo into telling
more plainly than politely exactly what she thought; "none whatever, sir
parrot. You he-things are all of you sinful, treacherous, deceitful, selfish,
devoid of conscience, and accustomed to sacrifice us, the weaker sex, to your
smallest desire or convenience.
"Of a
truth, fair lady," quoth the young Raja Ram to his bride, "this pet
of yours is sufficiently
"Let her
words be as wind in your ear, master," interrupted the parrot. "And
pray, Mistress Jay, what are you she-things but treacherous, false, ignorant,
and avaricious beings, whose only wish in this world is to prevent life being
as pleasant as it might be?"
my love," said the beautiful Chandravati to her bridegroom, "this thy
bird has a habit of expressing his opinions in a very free and easy way."
"I can
prove what I assert," whispered the jay in the ear of the princess.
"We can
confound their feminine minds by an anecdote," whispered the parrot in the
ear of the prince.
claimed, and soon obtained, precedence for the jay. Then the wonderful bird,
Madan-manjari, began to speak as follows:-
I have often
told thee, O queen, that before coming to thy feet, my mistress was Ratnawati,
the daughter of a rich trader, the dearest, the sweetest, the ---
Here the jay
burst into tears, and the mistress was sympathetically affected. Presently the
speaker resumed---
However, I
anticipate. In the city of Ilapur there was a wealthy merchant, who was without
offspring; on this account he was continually fasting and going on pilgrimage,
and when at home he was ever engaged in reading the Puranas and in giving alms
to the Brahmans.
At length, by
favour of the Deity, a son was born to this merchant, who celebrated his birth
with great pomp and rejoicing. When the boy was five years old he had him
taught to read, and when older he was sent to a guru, who had formerly himself
been a student, and who was celebrated as teacher and lecturer.
In the course
of time the merchant's son grew up. Praise be to Brahma! what a wonderful youth
it was, with a face like a monkey's, legs like a stork's, and a back like a
Instead of
going to study, he went to gamble with other ne'er-do-weels, to whom he talked
loosely, and whom he taught to be bad-hearted as himself. The hunchback,
moreover, became a Tantri, so as to complete his villanies. He was duly
initiated by an apostate Brahman, made a declaration that he renounced all the
ceremonies of his old religion, and was delivered from their yoke, and
proceeded to perform in token of joy an abominable rite.
Presently this excellent youth's father died,
leaving him immense wealth. He blunted his passions so piously and so
vigorously, that in very few years his fortune was dissipated. Then he turned
towards his neighbour's goods and prospered for a time, till being discovered
robbing, he narrowly escaped the stake. At length he exclaimed, "Let the
gods perish! the rascals send me nothing but ill luck!" and so saying he
arose and fled from his own country.
Chance led
that villain hunchback to the city of Chandrapur, where, hearing the name of my
master Hemgupt, he recollected that one of his father's wealthiest
correspondents was so called. Thereupon, with his usual audacity, he presented
himself at the house, walked in, and although he was clothed in tatters,
introduced himself, told his father's name and circumstances, and wept
The good man
was much astonished, and not less grieved, to see the son of his old friend in
such woeful plight. He rose up, however, embraced the youth, and asked the
reason of his coming.
freighted a vessel," said the false hunchback, "for the purpose of
trading to a certain land. Having gone there, I disposed of my merchandise,
and, taking another cargo, I was on my voyage home. Suddenly a great storm
arose, and the vessel was wrecked, and I escaped on a plank, and after a time
arrived here. But I am ashamed, since I have lost all my wealth, and I cannot
show my face in this plight in my own city. My excellent father would have
consoled me with his pity. But now that I have carried him and my mother to
Ganges,every one will turn against me; they will rejoice in my misfortunes,
they will accuse me of folly and recklessness -I am truly miserable."
My dear
master was deceived by the cunning of the wretch. He offered him hospitality,
which was readily enough accepted, and he entertained him for some time as a
guest. Then, having reason to be satisfied with his conduct, Hemgupt admitted
him to his secrets, and finally made him a partner in his business. Briefly,
the villain played his cards so well, that at last the merchant said to
Am worried
that my daughter is now 13 and still have not got a favourable suitor and has
been the talk of the neighbours.And now, while I am sitting quietly at home,
the Bhagwan (Deity) removes all my uneasiness: by his favour such an
opportunity occurs. It is not right to delay. It is best that I shall give my
daughter in marriage to him. Whatever can be done to-day is best; who knows
what may happen to-morrow?
thinking, the old man went to his wife and said to her, "Birth, marriage,
and death are all under the direction of the gods; can anyone say when they
will be ours? We want for our daughter a young man who is of good birth, rich
and handsome, clever and honourable. But we do not find him. If the bridegroom
be faulty, thou sayest, all will go wrong. I cannot put a string round the neck
of our daughter and throw her into the ditch. If, however, thou think well of
the merchant's son, now my partner, we will celebrate Ratnawati's marriage with
The wife, who
had been won over by the hunchback's hypocrisy, was also pleased, and replied,
"My lord! when the Deity so plainly indicates his wish, we should do it;
since, though we have sat quietly at home, the desire of our hearts is
accomplished. It is best that no delay be made: and, having quickly summoned
the family priest, and having fixed upon a propitious planetary conjunction,
that the marriage be celebrated."
Then they
called their daughter -- a beauty she was.
So saying,
the jay wept abundant tears; then she resumed:
When her
parents informed my mistress of their resolution, she replied, "Sadhu-it
is well!" She was not like most young women, who hate nothing so much as a
man whom their seniors order them to love. She bowed her head and promised
obedience, although, as she afterwards told her mother, she could hardly look
at her intended, on account of his prodigious ugliness. But presently the
hunchback's wit surmounted her disgust. She was grateful to him for his
attention to her father and mother; she esteemed him for his moral and
religious conduct; she pitied him for his misfortunes, and she finished with
forgetting his face, legs, and back in her admiration of what she supposed to
be his mind.
She had vowed
before marriage faithfully to perform all the duties of a wife, however
distasteful to her they might be; but after the nuptials, which were not long
deferred, she was not surprised to find that she loved her husband.
Yes, she loved the hunchback; and how
wonderful is our love! quoth the jay. A light from heaven which rains happiness
on this dull, dark earth! A spell falling upon the spirit, which reminds us of a
higher existence! A memory of bliss! A present delight! An earnest of future
felicity! It makes hideousness beautiful and stupidity clever, old age young
and wickedness good, moroseness amiable, and low-mindedness magnanimous,
perversity pretty and vulgarity piquant. Truly it is sovereign alchemy and
excellent flux for blending contradictions is our love, exclaimed the jay.
And so
saying, she cast a triumphant look at the parrot, who only remarked that he
could have desired a little more originality in her remarks.
For some
months (resumed Madan-manjari), the bride and the bridegroom lived happily
together in Hemgupt's house.
and the
hunchback felt that the edge of his passions again wanted blunting. He
reflected, "Wisdom is exemption from attachment, and affection for
children, wife, and home." Then he thus addressed my poor young mistress:
"I have
been now in thy country some years, and I have heard no tidings of my own
family, hence my mind is sad, I have told thee everything about myself; thou
must now ask thy mother leave for me to go to my own city, and, if thou
wishest, thou mayest go with me."
lost no time in saying to her mother, "My husband wishes to visit his own
country; will you so arrange that he may not be pained about this matter?"
The mother
went to her husband, and said, "Your son-in-law desires leave to go to his
own country."
replied, " Very well; we will grant him leave. One has no power over
another man's son. We will do what he wishes."
The parents
then called their daughter, and asked her to tell them her real desire-whether
she would go to her father-in-law's house, or would remain in her mother's
home. She was abashed at this question, and could not answer; but she went back
to her husband, and said, "As my father and mother have declared that you
should do as you like, do not leave me behind."
Presently the
merchant summoned his son-in-law, and having bestowed great wealth upon him,
allowed him to depart. He also bade his daughter farewell, after giving her a
palanquin and a female slave. And the parents took leave of them with wailing
and bitter tears; their hearts were like to break. And so was mine.
For some days
the hunchback travelled quietly along with his wife, in deep thought. He could
not take her to his city, where she would find out his evil life, and the fraud
which he had passed upon her father. Besides which, although he wanted her
money, he by no means wanted her company for life. After turning on many
projects in his evil-begotten mind, he hit upon the following:
He dismissed
the palanquin-bearers when halting at a little shed in the thick jungle through
which they were travelling, and said to his wife, "This is a place of
danger; give me thy jewels, and I will hide them in my waist-shawl. When thou
reachest the city thou canst wear them again." She then gave up to him all
her ornaments, which were of great value. Thereupon he inveigled the slave girl
into the depths of the forest, where he murdered her, and left her body to be
devoured by wild beasts. Lastly, returning to my poor mistress, he induced her
to leave the hut with him, and pushed her by force into a dry well, after which
exploit he set out alone with his ill-gotten wealth, walking towards his own
In the
meantime, a wayfaring man, who was passing through that jungle, hearing the
sound of weeping, stood still, and began to say to himself, "How came to
my ears the voice of a mortal's grief in this wild wood?" then followed
the direction of the noise, which led him a pit, and peeping over the side, he
saw a woman crying at the bottom. The traveller at once loosened his gird
cloth, knotted it to his turband, and letting down the line pulled out the poor
bride. He asked her who she was and how she came to fall into that well. She replied,
"I am the daughter of Hemgupt, the wealthiest merchant in the city of
Chandrapur; and I was journeying wit my husband to his own country, when
robbers set upon us and surrounded us. They slew my slave girl, the threw me
into a well, and having bound my husband they took him away, together with my
jewels. I have no tidings of him, nor he of me." And so saying, she burst
into tears and lamentations.
The wayfaring man believed her tale, and conducted her to her
home, where she gave the same account of the accident which had
befallen her, ending with, "beyond this, I know not if they have
killed my husband, or have let him go." The father thus soothed
her grief "Daughter! have no anxiety; your husband is alive, and by
the will of the Deity he will come to you in a few days. Thieves
take men's money, not their lives." Then the parents presented her
with ornaments more precious than those which she had lost; and
summoning their relations and friends, they comforted her to the
best of their power.
The wicked hunchback had, meanwhile, returned to
his own city, where he was excellently well received, because he
brought much wealth with him. His old associates flocked around
him rejoicing; and he fell into the same courses which had
beggared him before. Gambling and debauchery soon blunted his
passions, and emptied his purse. Again his boon companions,
finding him without a broken cowrie, drove him from their doors,
he stole and was flogged for theft; and lastly, half famished, he
fled the city. Then he said to himself, "I must go to my
father-in-law, and make the excuse that a grandson has been born
to him, and that I have come to offer him congratulations on the
Imagine, however, his fears and astonishment, when, as he entered
the house, his wife stood before him. At first he thought it was a
ghost, and turned to run away, but she went out to him and said,
"Husband, be not troubled ! I have told my father that thieves came
upon us, and killed the slave girl and robbed me and threw me into
a well, and bound you and carried you off. Tell the same story,
and put away all anxious feelings. Come up and change your
tattered garments- alas some misfortune hath befallen you. But
console yourself; all is now well, since you have returned to me, and
fear not, for the house is shine, and I am your slave."
The wretch, with all his hardness of heart, could scarcely refrain
from tears. He followed his wife to her room, where she washed
his feet, caused him to bathe, dressed him in new clothes, and
placed food before him. When her parents returned, she presented
him to their embrace, saying in a glad way, "Rejoice with me, O
my father and mother! the robbers have at length allowed him to
come back to us." Of course the parents were deceived, they are
mostly a purblind race; and Hemgupt, showing great favour to his
worthless son-in-law, exclaimed, "Remain with us, my son, and be
For two or three months the hunchback lived quietly with his wife,
treating her kindly and even affectionately. But this did not last
long. He made acquaintance with a band of thieves, and arranged
his plans with them.
After a time, his wife one night came to sleep by his side, having
put on all her jewels. At midnight, when he saw that she was fast
asleep, he struck her with a knife so that she died. Then he
admitted his accomplices, who savagely murdered Hemgupt and
his wife; and with their assistance he carried off any valuable
article upon which he could lay his hands. The ferocious wretch!
As he passed my cage he looked at it, and thought whether he had
time to wring my neck. The barking of a dog saved my life; but my
mistress, my poor Ratnawati-ah, me! ah, me!--
"Queen," said the jay, in deepest grief, "all this have I seen with
mine own eyes, and have heard with mine own ears. It affected me
in early life, and gave me a dislike for the society of the other sex.
With due respect to you, I have resolved to remain an old maid.
Let your majesty reflect, what crime had my poor mistress
committed? A male is of the same disposition as a highway robber;
and she who forms friendship with such an one, cradles upon her
bosom a black and venomous snake."
"Sir Parrot," said the jay, turning to her wooer, "I have spoken. I
have nothing more to say, but that you he-things are all a
treacherous, selfish, wicked race, created for the express purpose
of working our worldly woe, and--"
"When a female, O my king, asserts that she has nothing more to
say, but," broke in Churaman, the parrot with a loud dogmatical
voice, "I know that what she has said merely whets her tongue for
what she is about to say. This person has surely spoken long
enough and drearily enough."
"Tell me, then, O parrot," said the king, "what faults there may be
in the other sex."
"I will relate," quoth Churaman, "an occurrence which in my early
youth determined me to live and to die an old bachelor."
When quite a young bird, and before my schooling began, I was
caught in the land of Malaya, and was sold to a very rich merchant
called Sagardati, a widower with one daughter, the lady Jayashri.
As her father spent all his days and half his nights in his
counting-house, conning his ledgers and scolding his writers, that
young woman had more liberty than is generally allowed to those
of her age, and a mighty bad use she made of it.
After that Churaman the parrot had given the young Raja Ram a
golden mine full of good advice about the management of
daughters, he proceeded to describe Jayashri.
She was tall, stout, and well made, of lymphatic temperament, and
yet strong passions. Altogether, she was neither
handsome nor ugly, which is an excellent thing in woman. Sita the
goddess was lovely to excess; therefore she was carried
away by a demon. Raja Bali was exceedingly generous, and he
emptied his treasury. In this way, exaggeration, even of good, is
exceedingly bad.
Yet must I confess, continued the parrot, that, as a rule, the
beautiful woman is more virtuous than the ugly. The former is
often tempted, but her vanity and conceit enable her to resist, by
the self-promise that she shall be tempted again and again. On the
other hand, the ugly woman must tempt instead of being tempted,
and she must yield, because her vanity and conceit are gratified by
yielding, not by resisting.
"Ho, there!" broke in the jay contemptuously. "What woman
cannot win the hearts of the silly things called men? Is it not said
that a pig-faced female who dwells in Landanpur has a lover?"
I was about to remark, my king! said the parrot, somewhat nettled,
if the aged virgin had not interrupted me, that as ugly women are
more vicious than handsome women, so they are most successful.
"We love the pretty, we adore the plain," is a true saying amongst
the worldly wise. And why do we adore the plain? Because they
seem to think less of themselves than of us-a vital condition of
Jayashri made some conquests by the portion of good looks which
she possessed, more by her impudence, and most by her father's
reputation for riches. She was truly shameless, and never allowed
herself fewer than half a dozen admirers at the time. Her chief
amusement was to appoint interviews with them successively, at
intervals so short that she was obliged to hurry away one in order
to make room for another. And when a lover happened to be
jealous, or ventured in any way to criticize her arrangements, she
replied at once by showing him the door. Answer unanswerable!
When Jayashri had reached the ripe age of thirteen, the son of a
merchant, who was her father's gossip and neighbour, returned
home after a long sojourn in far lands, whither he had travelled in
the search of wealth. The poor wretch, whose name, by-the-bye,
was Shridat (Gift of Fortune), had loved her in her childhood; and
he came back, as men are apt to do after absence from familiar
scenes, painfully full of affection for house and home and all
belonging to it. From his cross, stingy old uncle to the snarling
superannuated beast of a watchdog, he viewed all with eyes of love
and melting heart. He could not see that his idol was greatly
changed, and nowise for the better. He did not
notice that she was an adept in judging of men's dress, and that she
looked with admiration upon all swordsmen, especially upon those
who fought upon horses and elephants. The charm of memory, the
curious faculty of making past time present caused all he viewed to
be enchanting to him.
Having obtained her father's permission, Shridat applied for
betrothal to Jayashri, who with peculiar boldness, had resolved that
no suitor should come to her through her parent. And she, after
leading him on by all the coquetries of which she was a mistress,
refused to marry him, saying that she liked him as a friend, but
would hate him as a husband.
"Which of these two birds, the jay or the parrot, had dipped deeper
into human nature, mighty King Vikram?" asked the demon in a
wheedling tone of voice.
The trap was this time set too openly, even for the royal personage,
to fall into it. He hurried on, calling to his son, and not answering a
word. The Vampire therefore resumed the thread of his story at the
place where he had broken it off.
Shridat was in despair when he heard the resolve of his idol. He
thought of drowning himself, of throwing himself down from the
summit of Mount Girnar, of becoming a religious beggar.
But he refrained from all such
heroic remedies for despair, having rightly judged, when he
became somewhat calmer, that they would not be likely to further
his suit. He discovered that patience is a virtue, and he resolved
impatiently enough to practice it. And by perseverance he
Jayashri, for potent reasons best known to herself, was married to
Shridat six months after his return home. He was in raptures. He
called himself the happiest man in existence. He thanked and
sacrificed to the Bhagwan for listening to his prayers. He recalled
to mind with thrilling heart the long years which he had spent in
hopeless exile from all that was dear to him, his sadness and
anxiety, his hopes and joys, his toils and troubles his loyal love and
his vows to Heaven for the happiness of his idol, and for the<
furtherance of his fondest desires.
For truly he loved her, continued the parrot, and there is something
holy in such love. And what makes man's love truly divine, is the fact that it is
bestowed upon such a thing as woman.
Jayashri immediately conceived a strong dislike for her husband,
and simultaneously a fierce affection for a reprobate who before
had been indifferent to her. The more lovingly Shridat behaved to
her, the more vexed end annoyed she was. When her friends talked
to her, she turned up her nose, raising her eyebrows (in token of
displeasure), and remained silent. When her husband spoke words
of affection to her, she found them disagreeable, and turning away
her face, reclined on the bed. Then he brought dresses and
ornaments of various kinds and presented them to her, saying,
"Wear these." Whereupon she would become more angry, knit her
brows, turn her face away, and in an audible whisper call him
"fool." All day she stayed out of the house, saying to her
companions, "Sisters, my youth is passing away, and I have not, up
to the present time, tasted any of this world's pleasures." Then she
would ascend to the balcony, peep through the lattice, and seeing
the reprobate going along, she would cry to her friend, "Bring that
person to me." All night she tossed and turned from side to side,
reflecting in her heart, "I am puzzled in my mind what I shall say,
and whither I shall go. I have forgotten sleep, hunger, and thirst;
neither heat nor cold is refreshing to me."
At last, unable any longer to support the separation from her
reprobate paramour, whom she adored, she resolved to fly with
him. On one occasion, when she thought that her husband was fast
asleep, she rose up quietly, and leaving him, made her way
fearlessly in the dark night to her lover's abode. A footpad, who
saw her on the way, thought to himself, "Where can this woman,
clothed in jewels, be going alone at midnight?" And thus he
followed her unseen, and watched her.
When Jayashri reached the intended place, she went into the house,
and found her lover lying at the door. He was dead, having been
stabbed by the footpad; but she, thinking that he had, according to
custom, drunk intoxicating hemp, sat upon the floor, and raising
his head, placed it tenderly in her lap. Then, burning with the fire
of separation from him, she began to kiss his cheeks, and to fondle
and caress him with the utmost freedom and affection.
By chance a Pisach (evil spirit) was seated in a large
fig-tree opposite the house, and it occurred to him, when
beholding this scene, that he might amuse himself in a
characteristic way. He therefore hopped down from his branch,
vivified the body, and began to return the woman's caresses. But as
Jayashri bent down to kiss his lips, he caught the end of her nose in
his teeth, and bit it clean off. He then issued from the corpse, and
returned to the branch where he had been sitting.
Jayashri was in despair. She did not, however, lose her presence of
mind, but sat down and proceeded to take thought; and when she
had matured her plan she arose, dripping with blood, and walked
straight home to her husband's house. On entering his room she
clapped her hand to her nose, and began to gnash her teeth, and to
shriek so violently, that all the members of the family were
alarmed. The neighbours also collected in numbers at the door,
and, as it was bolted inside, they broke it open and rushed in,
carrying lights. There they saw the wife sitting upon the ground
with her face mutilated, and the husband standing over her,
apparently trying to appease her.
"O ignorant, criminal, shameless, pitiless wretch!" cried the
people, especially the women; "why hast thou cut off her nose, she
not having offended in any way?"
Poor Shridat, seeing at once the trick which had been played upon
him, thought to himself: He could do
nothing but weep, and swear by the herb basil, by his cattle, by his
grain, by a piece of gold, and by all that is holy, that he had not
committed the crime.
In the meanwhile, the old merchant, Jayashri's father, ran off, and
laid a complaint before the kotwal, and the footmen of the police
magistrate were immediately sent to apprehend the husband, and to
carry him bound before the judge. The latter, after due
examination, laid the affair before the king. An example happening
to be necessary at the time, the king resolved to punish the offence
with severity, and he summoned the husband and wife to the court.
When the merchant's daughter was asked to give an account of
what had happened, she pointed out the state of her nose, and said,
"Maharaj! why inquire of me concerning what is so manifest?"
The king then turned to the husband, and bade him state his
defence. He said, "I know nothing of it," and in the face of the
strongest evidence he persisted in denying his guilt.
Thereupon the king, who had vainly threatened to cut off Shridat's
right hand, infuriated by his refusing to confess and to beg for
mercy, exclaimed, "How must I punish such a wretch as you?"
The unfortunate man answered, "Whatever your majesty may
consider just, that be pleased to do." Thereupon the king cried,
"Away with him, and impale him"; and the people, hearing the
command, prepared to obey it.
Before Shridat had left the court, the footpad, who had been
looking on, and who saw that an innocent man was about to be
unjustly punished, raised a cry for justice and, pushing through the
crowd, resolved to make himself heard. He thus addressed the
throne: "Great king, the cherishing of the good, and the
punishment of the bad, is the invariable duty of kings." The ruler
having caused him to approach, asked him who he was, and he
replied boldly, " Maharaj! I am a thief, and this man is innocent
and his blood is about to be shed unjustly. Your majesty has not
done what is right in this affair." Thereupon the king charged him
to tell the truth according to his religion; and the thief related
explicitly the whole circumstances, omitting of course, the murder.
"Go ye," said the king to his messengers, "and look in the mouth of
the woman's lover who has fallen dead. If the nose be there found,
then has this thief-witness told the truth, and the husband is a
guiltless man."
The nose was presently produced in court, and Shridat escaped the
stake. The king caused the wicked Jayashri's face to be smeared
with oily soot, and her head and eyebrows to be shaved; thus
blackened and disfigured, she was mounted upon a little
ragged-limbed ass and was led around the market and the streets,
after which she was banished for ever from the city. The husband
and the thief were then dismissed with betel and other gifts,
together with much sage advice which neither of them wanted.
"My king," resumed the parrot, "of such excellencies as
these are women composed. It is said that 'wet cloth will
extinguish fire and bad food will destroy strength; a degenerate son
ruins a family, and when a friend is in wrath he takes away life.
But a woman is an inflicter of grief in love and in hate, whatever
she does turns out to be for our ill. Truly the Deity has created
woman a strange being in this world.' And again, 'The beauty of
the nightingale is its song, science is the beauty of an ugly man,
forgiveness is the beauty of a devotee, and the beauty of a woman
is virtue-but where shall we find it?'
"What I have told now, my king, I have seen with mine own eyes,
and I have heard with mine own ears. At the time I was young, but
the event so affected me that I have ever since held female kind to
be a walking pest, a two-legged plague, whose mission on earth,
like flies and other vermin, is only to prevent our being too happy.
O, why do not children and young parrots sprout in crops from the
ground-from budding trees or vinestocks?"
When Madan-manjari, the jay, and Churaman, the parrot, had
given these illustrations of their belief, they began to wrangle, and
words ran high. The former insisted that females are the salt of the
earth. The latter went so far as to
assert that the opposite sex have no souls, and that their brains are
in a rudimental and inchoate state of development. Thereupon he
was tartly taken to task by his master's bride, the beautiful
Chandravati, who told him that those only have a bad opinion of
women who have associated with none but the vicious and the low,
and that he should be ashamed to abuse feminine parrots, because
his mother had been one.
This was truly logical.
On the other hand, the jay was sternly reproved for her mutinous
and treasonable assertions by the husband of her mistress, Raja
Ram, who, although still a bridegroom, had not forgotten the
gallant rule of his syntax--
The masculine is more worthy than the feminine;
till Madan-manjari burst into tears and declared that her life was
not worth having. And Raja Ram looked at her as if he could have
wrung her neck.
In short, Raja Vikram, all the four lost their tempers, and with
them what little wits they had. Two of them were but birds, and the
others seem not to have been much better, being young, ignorant,
inexperienced, and lately married. How then could they decide so
difficult a question as that of the relative wickedness and villany of
uncertainty would soon have been undone by the trenchant edge of
your wit and wisdom, your knowledge and experience. You have,
of course, long since made up your mind upon the subject?
"Women," quoth the Raja, oracularly, "are worse than we are; a
man, however depraved he may be, ever retains some notion of
right and wrong, but a woman does not. She has no such regard
"The beautiful Bangalah Rani for instance?" said the Baital, with a
demonaic sneer.
At the mention of a word, the uttering of which was punishable by
extirpation of the tongue, Raja Vikram's brain whirled with rage.
He staggered in the violence of his passion, and putting forth both
hands to break his fall, he dropped the bundle from his back. Then
the Baital, disentangling himself and laughing lustily, ran off
towards the tree as fast as his thin brown legs would carry him. But
his activity availed him little.
The king, puffing with fury, followed him at the top of his speed,
and caught him by his tail before he reached the siras-tree, hurled
him backwards with force, put foot upon his chest, and after
shaking out the cloth, rolled him up in it with extreme violence,
bumped his back half a dozen times against the stony ground, and
finally, with a jerk, threw him on his shoulder, as he had done
The young prince, afraid to accompany his father whilst he was
pursuing the fiend, followed slowly in the rear, and did not join
him for some minutes.
But when matters were in their normal state, the Vampire, who had
endured with exemplary patience the penalty of his impudence,
began in honeyed accents, another story.