In the city
of Bardwan, during the reign of the mighty Rupsen, flourished one Rajeshwar, a
Rajput warrior of distinguished fame. By his valor and conduct he had risen
from the lowest ranks of the army to command it as its captain. He became such
a reformer that, to some extent, he remodelled the art of war.
One day the
great commander-in-chief was seated in a certain room near the threshold of his
gate, when the voices of a number of people outside were heard. Rajeshwar
asked, "Who is at the door, and what is the meaning of the noise I
hear?" The porter replied, "It is a fine thing your honour has asked.
Many persons come sitting at the door of the rich for the purpose of obtaining
a livelihood and wealth. When they meet together they talk of various things:
it is these very people who are now making this noise."
Rajeshwar, on
hearing this, remained silent.
In the
meantime a traveller, a Rajput, Birbal by name, hoping to obtain employment,
came from the southern quarter to the palace of the chief. The porter having
listened to his story, made the circumstance known to his master. The porter
brought him in, and Rajeshwar inquired, "O Rajput, who and what art
submitted that he was a person of distinguished fame for the use of weapons.
The chief was
well accustomed to this style of self introduction, and its only effect upon
his mind was a wish to shame the man by showing him that he had not the least
knowledge of weapons. He therefore bade him bare his blade and perform some
Birbal at
once drew his good sword. Guessing the thoughts which were hovering about the
chief's mind, he put forth his left hand, extending the forefinger upwards,
waved his blade like the arm of a demon round his head, and, with a dexterous
stroke, so shaved off a bit of nail that it fell to the ground, and not a drop
of blood appeared upon the finger-tip.
for ever!" exclaimed Rajeshwar in admiration. He then addressed to the
recruit a few questions concerning the art of war, or rather concerning his
peculiar views of it. To all of which Birbal answered with a spirit and a
judgment which convinced the hearer that he was no common sworder.
then recommended that Birbal should be
engaged without delay.
The king,
being a man of few words and many ideas, after hearing his commander-in-chief,
enquired how much should he pay for Birbals services for his daily
"Give me
a thousand ounces of gold daily," said Birbal, "and then I shall have
wherewithal to live on."
thou an army with thee?" exclaimed the king in the greatest astonishment.
"I have
not," responded the Rajput somewhat stiffly. "I have first, a wife;
second, a son; third, a daughter; fourth, myself; there is no fifth person with
All the
people of the court on hearing this turned aside their heads to laugh, and even
the women, who were peeping at the scene, covered their mouths with their
veils. The Rajput was then dismissed the presence.
Of course
Rupsen was curious as to why Birbal wanted such high rate for his services.
Then he reflected that if this recruit had asked so much money, it must have
been for some reason which would afterwards become apparent and agreed to
Birbals request.
It is related
that Birbal made the best possible use of his wealth. He used every morning to
divide it into two portions, one of which was distributed to Brahmans and
Parohitas. Of the remaining money, having made two parts, he gave one as alms
to pilgrims, to Bairagis or Vishnu's mendicants, and to Sanyasis or worshippers
of Shiva, whose bodies, smeared with ashes, were hardly covered with a narrow
cotton cloth and a rope about their loins, and whose heads of artificial hair,
clotted like a rope, besieged his gate. With the remaining fourth, having
caused food to be prepared, he regaled the poor, while he himself and his
family ate what was left. Every evening, arming himself with sword and buckler,
he took up his position as guard at the royal bedside, and walked round it all
night sword in hand. If the king chanced to wake and asked who was present,
Birbal immediately gave reply that "Birbal is here; whatever command you
give, that he will obey." And oftentimes Rupsen gave him unusual commands,
and Birbal obeyed it willingly .It was Rupsens way to see how faithful and
useful he was.Birbal did not disappoint him but did what Rupsen instructed
without question.
In such manner, through desire of money,
Birbal remained on guard all night; and whether eating, drinking, sleeping,
sitting, going or wandering about, during the twenty-four hours, he held his
master in watchful remembrance. Certain it is that however intelligent, clever,
or learned a man may be, yet, while he is in his master's presence, he remains
silent as a dumb man, and struck with dread. Only while he is away from his
lord can he be at ease.
On one
occasion it is related that there happened to be heard at night-time the
wailing of a woman in a neighbouring cemetery and asked his guard who was at
that time Birbal to see from where the wailing is coming from .
On receiving
this order the Birbal went to obey it; and the king, unseen by him, and attired
in a black dress, followed Birbal for the purpose of observing his courage. \
Birbal arrived at the cemetery. And what sees he there? A beautiful woman of a
light yellow colour, loaded with jewels from head to foot, holding a horn in
her right and a necklace in her left hand. Sometimes she danced, sometimes she
jumped, and sometimes she ran about. There was not a tear in her eye, but
beating her head and making lamentable cries, she kept dashing herself on the
Seeing her
condition, and not recognizing the goddess born of sea foam, and whom all the
host of heaven loved, Birbal inquired, why is the beautiful women beating
herself and crying out. The goddess then began to relate her position to the
Rajput. She said, with tears, " I am the Royal-Luck .In the king's palace
Shudra (or low caste acts) are done, and hence misfortune will certainly fall
upon it, and I shall forsake it. After a month has passed, the king, having
endured excessive affliction, will die. In grief for this, I weep. I have
brought much happiness to the king's house, and hence I am full of regret that
this my prediction cannot in any way prove untrue."
there," asked Birbal, "any remedy for this trouble, so that the king
may be preserved and live a hundred years?" "Yes," said the
goddess, "there is. About eight miles to the east thou wilt find a temple
dedicated to my terrible sister Devi. Offer to her thy son's head, cut off with
shine own hand, and the reign of thy king shall endure for an age." So
saying Raj-Lakshmi disappeared.
answered not a word, but with hurried steps he turned towards his home. The
king, still in black so as not to be seen, followed him closely, and observed
and listened to everything he did.
The Rajput
went straight to his wife, awakened her, and related to her everything that had
happened. The wise have said, "she alone deserves the name of wife who
always receives her husband with affectionate and submissive words." When
she heard the circumstances, she at once aroused her son, and her daughter also
awoke. Then Birbal told them all that they must follow him to the temple of
Devi in the wood.
On the way
the Rajput said to his wife, "If you will
give up our son willingly, I will sacrifice him for our master's sake to
Devi the Destroyer." The son was ever willing to obey his parents
wishes.He felt proud that his body was in good use to sacrifice for the goddess
and felt there is nothing better can be done with it in this world than this.
He felt happy
that he was of use for his master and that his life in this world have lived to
good purpose and told his father not to delay in time .
His sister,
however,did not agree with her parents
or brothers intentions.But they heeded her not, and continued talking as they
journeyed towards the temple of Devi - the king all the while secretly
following them.
they reached the temple. Then Birbal joined his hands in prayer, and with Hindu
mildness thus addressed the goddess: "O mother, let the king's life be
prolonged for a thousand years by the sacrifice of my son.
The Rajput,
having caused his son to kneel before the goddess, struck him so violent a blow
that his head rolled upon the ground. He then threw the sword down, when his
daughter, frantic with grief, snatched it up and struck her neck with such
force that her head, separated from her body, fell. In her turn the mother,
unable to survive the loss of her children, seized the weapon and succeeded in
decapitating herself. Birbal, beholding all this slaughter, thus reflected:
"My children are dead why, now, should I remain in servitude, and upon
whom shall I bestow the gold I receive from the king?" He then gave
himself so deep a wound in the neck, that his head also separated from his
Rupsen, the
king, seeing these four heads on the ground, said in his heart, "For my
sake has the family of Birbal been destroyed. Kingly power, for the purpose of
upholding which the destruction of a whole household is necessary, is a mere
curse, and to carry on government in this manner is not just." He then
took up the sword and was about to slay himself, when the Destroying Goddess,
probably satisfied with bloodshed, stayed his hand, bidding him at the same
time ask any boon he pleased.
The generous
monarch begged, thereupon, that his faithful servant might be restored to life,
together with his family; and the goddess Devi in the twinkling of an eye
fetched from Patala, the regions below the earth, a vase full of Amrita, the
water of immortality, sprinkled it upon the dead, and raised them all as
before. After which the whole party walked leisurely home, and in due time the
king divided his throne with his friend Birbal.
stopped for a moment, the Baital proceeded to remark, in a sententious tone,
" Raja, I have to ask you now one searching question - Of these five, who
was the greatest fool?"
exclaimed the great Vikram,were
outraged by this Vampire view of the question; "if you mean
by the greatest fool the noblest mind, I
reply without hesitating Rupsen, the king."
prithee?" asked the Baital.
dull demon," said the king, "Birbal was bound to offer up his life
for a master who treated him so generously; the son could not disobey his
father, and the women naturally and instinctively killed themselves, because
the example was set to them. But Rupsen the king gave up his throne for the
sake of his retainer, and valued not a straw his life and his high inducements
to live. For this reason I think him the most meritorious."
mighty Vikram," laughed the Vampire, "you will be tired of forever
clambering up the tall tree, even if you had
the legs and arms of Hanuman himself."
And so saying
he disappeared from the cloth, although it had been placed upon the ground. And
thats when the King realized his mistake by answering .
But the poor Baital had little reason to congratulate himself on the
success of his escape. In a short time he was again bundled into the cloth with
the usual want of ceremony, and he revenged himself by telling another true