A very wealthy old man, imagining that he was on the
point of death, sent for his sons and divided his property among them. However,
he did not die for several years afterwards; and miserable years many of them
were. Besides the weariness of old age, the old fellow had to bear with much
abuse and cruelty from his sons. Wretched, selfish ingrates! Previously they
vied with one another in trying to please their father, hoping thus to receive
more money, but now they had received their patrimony, they cared not how soon
he left themnay, the sooner the better, because he was only a needless trouble
and expense. And they let the poor old man know what they felt.
One day he met a friend and related to him all his
troubles. The friend sympathised very much with him, and promised to think over
the matter, and call in a little while and tell him what to do. He did so; in a
few days he visited the old man and put down four bags full of stones and
gravel before him.
Look here, friend, said he. Your sons will get to know
of my coming here to-day, and will inquire about it. You must pretend that I
came to discharge a long-standing debt with you, and that you are several
thousands of rupees richer than you thought you were. Keep these bags in your
own hands, and on no account let your sons get to them as long as you are
alive. You will soon find them change their conduct towards you. Salaam. I will
come again soon to see how you are getting on.
When the young men got to hear of this further increase
of wealth they began to be more attentive and pleasing to their father than
ever before. And thus they continued to the day of the old mans demise, when
the bags were greedily opened, and found to contain only stones and gravel!