



*~*Appoothi Adigal*~*
Pon Anaiyal
Appoothi Adigal
King Kumanan


Appoothy Adigal was a Shiva devotee. He was from a town called Thingaloor in Chola Nadu.He made his prime duty to serve Shiva devotees. During his time Thiru Navak Arasu (Appar) was also traveling , spreading the religion.Appoothy Adigal have heard much about Appar but have never met him.And this made him name some of his charitable associations and stalls after Appar. He had two sons named Thiru Navak Arasu Senior and Thiru Nayak Arasu Junior.

One day ,Thiru Navak Arasu himself came by Thingaloor.He relaxed for a while at a drink-stall and after some time noticed that the stall had his name.He was indeed surprised.As he walked, he saw more stalls and establishment under his name.Now he was really curious about the owner.He then asked a passer by , who told him of Appoothy Adaigal.

Appar then decided to pay a visit to Adigal.He kept his identity a secret .He then inquired to Appothy Adigal why he had named many of his establishment under an unknown name then his own.Appoothy Adigal instantly got angry and told Appar that Nayak Arasu is not unknown person but a great saint and he should not talk such. Appar was really stunned and then revealed himself to Appoothy Adigal.

Immediately ,Adigal took his blessing from Appar and washed his feet, then he sprinkle the water on all his family members.They all propitiated to him and were happy that such a great person had come to their home.they then invited him for lunch which Appar agreed.

After the dish was prepared , Adigals wife called out her elder son to go and cut out a piece of banana leave to serve rice to their guest.But while the son was cutting the leave , a snake bit him and he yelled. He rushed and gave the leave to his mother and died at his mothers feet. The mother didnt know what to do and called Adigal. He then advised his family to keep it a secret since this is the first time a man as great as Appar has come to their house for meal and its not good to make him leave without one after inviting.Thus all were silent even thou they were very sadden of the incident.They wrapped they dead son in a mat and kept it aside.The wife then prepared the banana leave and they invited Appar.

Before eating , it was a normal thing for Appar to give viboothy to everyone, so he called Adigal to call out his family members to receive the viboothi.When Appar found the elder son missing , he inquired.Adigal was hesitant to reply.When Appar pressed him to tell the truth ,Adigal told him what had happened. He quickly asked Adigal to carry his son and rushed with him to the nearby Shiva temple. There he sang the Thevaram Onru kolam and immediately the boy regain his life. He prostrated at the feet of Appar .Appar smeared viboothi on him. Appoothy Adaigal and his wife was very grateful to Appar and sang his praise. After staying at Adigals house for a few days ,Appar continued his mission.

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